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The Christmas Pup

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  • The Christmas Pup

    I have little flappy ears
    and a nose of shiny black
    I got left outside of Asda
    Don't think Dad is coming back

    They got me for the children
    thought it might shut them up
    Then I piddled on the carpet
    and Mum went and got the hump

    The kids all said they loved me
    And opened up their gifts
    They liked the robots better
    And they said that my breath whiffed

    A lady came and took me
    Told me this would be my home
    She loves me and protects me
    And grooms me with a comb

    She says that the pet shelter
    was the perfect place to be
    She wanted a nice puppy
    And that turned out to be me!

    I wish I had this mum first
    and the other dad had said
    No to his spoilt brats
    or even shook his head

    I have a name now, Toby
    and my mum says im a dear
    and I know I'll have a lovely life
    Now my forever mum is here!!

    PLEASE remember, An animal is for its LIFE, not christmas!!
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  • #2
    Re: The Christmas Pup

    Couldn't agree more, it breaks my heart to see so many pets discarded after Crimbo when the kids have got bored.


    • #3
      Re: The Christmas Pup

      The easy answer to the I want a Puppy problem is adopt one from Dogs trust!

      http://www.dogstrust.org.uk/ (link added with Admins kind permission)

      My kids have 2 dogs each, and it makes them feel so much better that a dog is getting fed because of them!


      • #4
        Re: The Christmas Pup

        Given that so many dogs are abandoned in this country ... that so many are turned away from animal shelters in this country ... that so many are put down because homes cannot be found for them in this country ... why do so many charities now import them from abroad?


        • #5
          Re: The Christmas Pup


          I am 100% for saving animals, have 3 rescues, but I think charity begins at home, so do animals and if you can't offer their forever home.. dont offer any home!

          Let's put Dogs Trust and Cats Defence Leauge out of business!! If you want a pet, consider rehoming!


          • #6
            Re: The Christmas Pup

            Originally posted by enquirer View Post
            Given that so many dogs are abandoned in this country ... that so many are turned away from animal shelters in this country ... that so many are put down because homes cannot be found for them in this country ... why do so many charities now import them from abroad?
            Is this for real or a seriously post modern joke comment on immigration? If the latter it's a big teehee - if it's not ironic then*******


            • #7
              Re: The Christmas Pup

              Unfortunatly, it can't be looked at as a joke

              I have friends a 20min drive from the RSPCA in Staines, who have adopted a cat from Ibiza and taken her in to their homes and 2 from turkey. When asked why they didn't just drive 20 mins and rehome one of the hundreds the RSPCA have, their answer was, someone else will!!
              (needless to say as an avid animal rescuer I don't have a great deal to do with them) My own brother has 7 cats, mainly rescued after an owner has passed, but he has one from ibiza and 2 from cyprus, again I asked about the huge shelter within driving distance from his home and was told, they needed it more!

              We have places here destroying animals within 2 weeks because they cannot find them loving homes. It's disgraceful!

              We have the ability to say I am a person not a possession, an animal doesnt.... and don't get me started on people who buy a dog and make it live outside.......


              • #8
                Re: The Christmas Pup

                Originally posted by MissFM View Post
                Is this for real or a seriously post modern joke comment on immigration? If the latter it's a big teehee - if it's not ironic then*******

                Cash strapped charities are spending vast amounts freighting in animals from elsewhere (Cyprus, Ireland, Romania, Spain, Turkey), when at the same time, they are turning away (usually to certain death), animals just up the road.

                It makes neither economic or moral sense. So why are they doing this?


                • #9
                  Re: The Christmas Pup

                  IMHO that's because charities (particularly animal charities) are increasingly politically motivated. Look at what the RSPCA has just done.

                  They are also investing donations (rather than spending them on the need here and now - remember animals have short lives) in pots for the future along with paying their "executives" the same ridiculous sums that public sector CEOs are paid. That's where your money goes, folks.

                  The importing of foreign animals (with which I have no great problem, BTW, as cruelty is cruelty and all these animals need help) IMHO is political - and without meaning any particular irony it does tie in with the desperate need we have as a country to be seen to splash out massive foreign aid although the effect is to provide governments of poor counties with a massively over-privileged governing class, and with weapons, whilst making no difference to the poor. "Give them a glass of water and they will have a drink - give them a well and blah blah blah" - none of the millions in aid or from most NGO's gives "them" either - it just absorbs the money in stupid salaries including to employ a shed load of hooray henry's with overpaid gap yah employment to look good on their cv's.

                  I am a country woman and can say without any doubt whatsoever that for animals there truly are fates worse than death.

                  Christmas rant - not very coherent - still waiting for santa.

                  Happy Christmas! x


                  • #10
                    Re: The Christmas Pup


                    I helped out on a london city farm, and some of the "donations" we got were horrific.

                    We had a "Great Dane" left tied to the gate one morning, and a very grotty one at that. It wasn't till it's hooves hit the cobbles we worked out it was a shetland pony! It was literally the width of a Great Dane and ragged and .. well enough said!

                    I had the job of bathing it, combing it, and generally gaining it's trust.

                    His name is Lennox (as in Lewis) and last I heard he was living the life of Riley north of the border on a Scottish riding for the disabled programme!

                    Why people think they have a god given right to hurt a poor defenceless creature i do not know!!


                    • #11
                      Re: The Christmas Pup

                      Originally posted by MissFM View Post
                      They are also investing donations [...] in pots for the future along with paying their "executives" the same ridiculous sums that public sector CEOs are paid.
                      ... and the huge pensions that these people will also expect to be pulling down when they take early retirement.


                      • #12
                        Re: The Christmas Pup

                        While many dogs are bred irresponsibly (ie the owner lets it roam and its get pregnant or the owner puts it with another friends dog to try and make a quick few bob from the pups) many are bred for status symbols and fashion accessories and that is the thing that most appalls me. The puppy farms too should be shut down imo as they are gross.
                        I think the dog license should come back and anyone owning a dog unless the owner is fully vetted and licensed to breed from it they should be made to have it neutered. It must be far cheaper for the animal charities to neuter animals in the first place than to have a bitch and her pups abandoned or worse the pups sold on to inappropriate homes. All rescued dogs are neutered before they are re homed.
                        Maybe this wont stop the handbag and status symbol dogs from being abused, but it would stop them having puppies for the same fate.


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