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The Christmas carol kerfufle

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  • The Christmas carol kerfufle

    When I was a young girl, in secondary school, we were given the choice of needlework or joining the choir.
    I have always had the sewing ability of a drunken one handed blind cat so I chose the choir.

    I have never really been one for taking lie too seriously, but the music teacher was, so we banged heads on many an occasion.

    This particular time, he announced that there was to be a carol concert and we were to practise constantly. For 3 flaming months I sang jingle bells and The Holly and the Ivy and such like, and it drove me up the wall to the extent, I developed the innocent habit of.. changing the words slightly.

    So, fast forward to December, imagine dear friends if you will ...
    A school hall decked with boughs of fake holly and ivy, tacky tinsel from the poundshop down chapel market, and a plastic christmas tree crowned with a drunken fairy who had a suicide mission and kept falling off the top! The seats are packed with children and parents, all giving nervy little waves to beloved offspring, and my mum dad and gran are sitting waiting for Only Daughter to sing like an angel (some hope). The teachers are sitting waiting and the governers, and as we approach the stage, in walks The Lord Mayor of London. (Headmistress's brother!)

    We form our little semi circle and teacher sits at the piano and, with a patronising Mr Bean equse smirk, he strikes up the first carol.
    I hear mum snigger as it starts.
    Imagine, 20 teenage girls all open their mouths and sing:
    While Shepherds washed their socks by night/all seated by the fire/the beans they ate for tea fought back/and all the flames blazed higher!

    The assembled dignataries looked shocked, and the teacher looked horrified, I looked at my parents and thought Dad was having a fit he was laughing so hard.

    Teacher taps on his music stand to regain some order I look at the girls amazed they actually sang my version, and listened as the next song started:
    We 3 kings of Orient are/ one in a taxi one in a car/ one on a scooter beeping his hooter/wearing a panama!

    Giggles issue round the hall by now, quick glance at Parents and Dad jokingly shakes his fist at me, but I haven't done anything.. well.. not really!

    A frantic tapping calls us to song 3, we can't mess this one up... can we?
    Hark the Herald Angels sing/ Lets all go to Burger King!


    By now the Lord Mayor is creased up laughing, and I thought my Gran was going to burst a blood vessel!!

    I look at the girls all innocent and sweet with their tinsel halos no-one wanted to wear and hiss "cmon behave!! He's gonna work out its me"

    He stands up so the whole hall can see him and through gritted teeth says "Now our solo.."

    It's my big moment, I feel sick after this lot pratting about, and there are the parents looking at me.. I can't screw silent night up.. but whats this? He's lost the music!! YAY! I'm saved.. until my best friend Angel suggests I sing Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong instead. Dad's Favourite song. Taking a deep breath, and keeping my eyes firmly on the old goat, I sang it. no one buggered it up.
    and I got a nod and a wink from the Ole fella himself!

    The concert ended with a rousing chorus of Onward Marmite Soldiers, and we all poured out to the teacher saying Never EVER again..

    BOY did i get grounded for that one.. literally I walked in the house and was told you're grounded, take your coat off... now put it back on again and bugger off out, that was the FUNNIEST thing I have ever seen..

    hope to have raised a smile and a little bit of christmas spirit

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  • #2
    Re: The Christmas carol kerfufle

    LOL that made me chuckle and brought back memories of school and my singing,
    The boys in my secondary school would always mess about during the singing in assembly so our music teacher who played piona in assembly made us all stay behind one morning so he could hear us without the girls we duly sang with someone else on piano while he walked amongst us the change of sound was impressive when he came to the line i was in he stopped at me and pulled me out and i was taken to the piano so he could hear me singing away from the rest apalled by my voice he whispered in my ear might be best if you mimed in future i did .
    Im completely tone deaf i can sing in all the keys in one line of a song if i listen to myself on a recording even i cringe the problem is i love to sing but joining a choir might be difficult.
    Still puff its great to hear that the words of the carols as i knew them as a kid were sung at such an occasion bet everone had a laugh after


    • #3
      Re: The Christmas carol kerfufle

      PMSL - Brilliant, Puff !!! We could do with a few more school concerts like that !!!


      • #4
        Re: The Christmas carol kerfufle

        At least the Lord Mayor had a good time, Puff! I've never heard the versions of While Shepherds Watched and Hark The Herald you mention. The line you have posted from the alternative version of While Shepherds Watched immediately reminded me of that iconic scene from Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles.
        Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


        • #5
          Re: The Christmas carol kerfufle

          Lol, brilliant!
          Never give up, Never surrender.


          • #6
            Re: The Christmas carol kerfufle

            And he is the iconic scene from Blazing Saddles -


            It is a great pity that schoolchildren, over the last 30 years, have not been allowed to be creative and express themselves as individuals. If the politicians stopped meddling and let teachers get on with teaching and not spend their time filling in forms and attending training days which are, in essence, political indoctrination sessions, I have no doubt we would have less juvenille delinquency and gangs. A lot of teachers my sister and I know are uncomfortable about these so-called training days.
            Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


            • #7
              Re: The Christmas carol kerfufle

              Truth be told, none of us wanted to do the silly concert, we were told we HAD to.

              You don't tell teenage girls (specially not little idiots from the Holloway area) what to do like that, you make them think it was their idea in the first place.
              The funniest thing was the next year everyone had to sing, and the teachers patrolled the hallways, I walked in and got collared by the Deputy Head, "I don't think so Miss Charlton" (we were in a school for Young Ladies... in Islington.. yeh go fig)

              Still I got home early and was listening to Take That and Bryan Adams while all my besties were listening to Mr Hodgekinson wheezing out Good King Wednesdays sloshed looked out, and Sarah breaking all the windows with the Horrid and the Ugly (holly and the ivy.. 2 members of the choir my I add)


              • #8
                Re: The Christmas carol kerfufle

                Being gifted with the vocal chords of Foghorn Leghorn ,I was never admitted to the choir.


                • #9
                  Re: The Christmas carol kerfufle

                  This is an alternative version of a carol we used to sing at the secondary school I went to -

                  Good King Wenceslas looked out of his bedroom window.
                  Silly bugger he fell out onto a hot cinder.
                  Brightly shone his arse that night, though the frost was cru-el.
                  When a doctor came in sight riding on a mu-oo-el.

                  Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


                  • #10
                    Re: The Christmas carol kerfufle

                    we sang my versions above to plus

                    Good king wotsisface looked out/ over chapel market
                    When the jellied eels ran out/ we thought he would kark it
                    Fatty Issacs then turned up/with a tub of winkles
                    We watched as the king sat up/and his cheeks went piiiiinkle!

                    or how about

                    You better not laugh/your going to cry
                    Plug your ears with cheese/I'm telling you why
                    Sheena Easton's coming to town!

                    my personal favourite was

                    Siiiiiiiiilent fart/deeeeeeeeeeeadly fart
                    All was calm/not for long!


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