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Just a bit of fun!

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  • Just a bit of fun!

    My wife took this photo the other week at Furness Abbey that was destroyed in 1537 during the English Reformation under the order of King Henry VIII.
    I know it's just digital noise but have a look and tell me what you see

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  • #2
    Re: Just a bit of fun!

    I see a lady standing in the window!
    OMG how creepy and facsinating... i will have to call in a few people on this one, I know a clairvoyant and clairaudient.. cant wait to hear his reaction to this one!


    • #3
      Re: Just a bit of fun!

      I thought it looked like a knight on a horse


      • #4
        Re: Just a bit of fun!

        I prefer this one Swifty--lol



        • #5
          Re: Just a bit of fun!

          That's really spooky, how did that big red circle get there, deffo paranormal activity.



          • #6
            Re: Just a bit of fun!



            • #7
              Re: Just a bit of fun!

              play the video on the second row--is that you Swifty?



              • #8
                Re: Just a bit of fun!

                No! I doing the video


                • #9
                  Re: Just a bit of fun!

                  I will post up pics of our Piel Party after the weekend, someone's bound to take pics of me. Although I can't vouch what state I'll be in


                  • #10
                    Re: Just a bit of fun!

                    I have had Matt look at this for me, and he has come up with this.

                    Dearest Puff
                    The figure is that of a monk, Brother Robert, he tells me the date is 1530 and the month of November. He says he can hear the words nessacerium (spelling?) and that he is on his way to service.
                    I hear steven built me and the place name bolounge.
                    The monk is small and blonde and is pockmarked. Beware of dreams of female devils.
                    I can see the word Cistercian.
                    I see jewelery and hiding it, mustn't let it be found.
                    I want to mention the sea, and I want to ackowlege the north of England.

                    Other than that, I cant see anything else.

                    Love you sis



                    • #11
                      Re: Just a bit of fun!

                      Originally posted by puffrose View Post
                      I have had Matt look at this for me, and he has come up with this.

                      Dearest Puff
                      The figure is that of a monk, Brother Robert, he tells me the date is 1530 and the month of November. He says he can hear the words nessacerium (spelling?) and that he is on his way to service.
                      I hear steven built me and the place name bolounge.
                      The monk is small and blonde and is pockmarked. Beware of dreams of female devils.
                      I can see the word Cistercian.
                      I see jewelery and hiding it, mustn't let it be found.
                      I want to mention the sea, and I want to ackowlege the north of England.

                      Other than that, I cant see anything else.

                      Love you sis

                      Uncanny Puff i had exactly the same feelings when i first saw it , with the exception of "beware of dreams of female devils".
                      I quite like those.


                      • #12
                        Re: Just a bit of fun!

                        Matt is not normally wrong about this kinda thing.

                        He has told me 3 times that i was pregnant before I knew myself, and told me the sex of the babies. He even told me the name I was going to call No 1 son!


                        • #13
                          Re: Just a bit of fun!

                          Originally posted by puffrose View Post
                          Matt is not normally wrong about this kinda thing.

                          He has told me 3 times that i was pregnant before I knew myself, and told me the sex of the babies. He even told me the name I was going to call No 1 son!
                          Sorry Puff, only kiddin, round.

                          There is much more than ever dreamed of and all that Horatio.



                          • #14
                            Re: Just a bit of fun!

                            its ok Davy hun i wasnt offended
                            takes a lot to upset me.

                            I find this sorta thing fascinating, the idea that someone stays somewhere they loved after their time is done. Matt is going to do me a spirit painting of Aiden (my late fiance). Cant wait to see it


                            • #15
                              Re: Just a bit of fun!

                              From Wikipedia:-

                              " There are also many stories and sightings claiming that Furness Abbey is haunted, there are three main ghosts which have supposedly been sighted numerous times at this location. Firstly, one of the monks that was brutally murdered in the
                              Reformation is said to be seen climbing one of the staircases in the Abbey. The figure appears to be leaning on the banister as being pulled up the stairs.[8] Another sighting is that of a squire's daughter and her partner. These figures were known for attempting to repair the Abbey ruins after the Reformation, one day her partner took a journey out to sea from which he never returned. It is thought that the girl went back to the Abbey every day until her death to take in the site she and her partner once loved, the track she walked is today still known as "My Lady's Walk."[8] There have also been many sightings of a white lady, although due to possible conflicting stories, it is unknown whether the White lady and the ghost of the squire's daughter are the same person or not. Possibly the most famous ghost of Furness Abbey is a headless monk on horseback, who rides underneath the sandstone arch near the Abbey Tavern, this death of this individual is also likely to be attributed to the Reformation. "



                              A privy in an ancient castle or a monastery.


                              The Cistercian mother-house in Burgundy, founded in 1098. The abbot of Cîteaux was acknowledged among Cistercian abbots as the ‘first among equals’.


                              Well, Burgundy is the English pronunciation of Bourgogne, so that might be the 'Bolounge'

                              There's a connection with the sea in one of the Wikipedia stories above, so this may be the Squire's daughter or her partner.

                              The Cistercians wore white habits, not black, but perhaps this was a 'lay brother' - who presumably just wore his own filthy habit.

                              Of course, I googled all this, and so could anyone else - which makes it difficult to prove or disprove clairvoyance or clairaudience. Me - I'm open-minded about it all (and air-headed too, I guess !!!)

                              LOL @ DavyB - wicked as usual !!!


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