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    Originally posted by labman View Post
    I assume what has happened is they have completed a Common Financial Statement with you, and as a result of this have said that you ae within the limits for a family of your size.

    As long as you are within the trigger figures, you are fine. Some sites do publish them as a table in figures, but in reality, that is not how things work, so while they give you a rough idea, they are by no means definitive.

    Your best bet would be to register for CASHflow with someone:

    CASHflow - Login

    If you work through your income and expenditure on one of these, it will tell you whether or not you are within your trigger figures. You can then decide to back out without incurring any expense, nor any real inconvenience to the debt advisor.

    You could also contact Latch Key Kid who works for NE Derbyshire CAB. They have their own scheme which he speaks highly of. I have no idea whether or not this sticks to the actual trigger figures or not I'm afraid.
    Hi Labman

    I dont believe I have mentioned who I work for.

    I can speak for myself and do not ask people to contact me for advice via this forum, like many others I give my time and support free on here and do not tout for business.

    Strange post from you given another fairly recent thread on this site were you went to great lengths to hide your charities identity and requested your christian name be removed on a couple of posts.

    Slightly double standards in my opinion Labman but I am a big boy and have to laugh.

    Whats wrong Labman are you a little rattled
    Last edited by Latch Key Kid; 4th March 2012, 23:05:PM.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: What are the amounts allowed by creditors in a budget.

    I have not the slightest idea what you are on about. If I made the wrong assumption about your place of work, I apologise. It was, I think, a fair one given the amount of information you have posted on sites about NE Derbyshire CAB. As I say, I apologise if that is wrong.

    What does surprise me is your Jeckyl and Hyde character where you feel you can turn on someone, as you have done me twice now, out of the blue and for no reason.

    When exactly have you seen me tout for business?

    Rattled? Puzzled more like as to your rather petty response, and slightly concerned about your seeming willingness to be pleasant and nice in one thread, and pretty obnoxious in another. You really behave very strangely.


    • #3
      Re: What are the amounts allowed by creditors in a budget.

      Originally posted by labman View Post
      I have not the slightest idea what you are on about. If I made the wrong assumption about your place of work, I apologise. It was, I think, a fair one given the amount of information you have posted on sites about NE Derbyshire CAB. As I say, I apologise if that is wrong.

      What does surprise me is your Jeckyl and Hyde character where you feel you can turn on someone, as you have done me twice now, out of the blue and for no reason.

      When exactly have you seen me tout for business?

      Rattled? Puzzled more like as to your rather petty response, and slightly concerned about your seeming willingness to be pleasant and nice in one thread, and pretty obnoxious in another. You really behave very strangely.

      Apologies accepted, no problems there.

      You are wasting your time with me though Labman, trust me.

      Lets just get on with helping and supporting people.


      • #4
        Re: What are the amounts allowed by creditors in a budget.

        I honestly have not the slightest idea what this 'veiled threat' is about. Could you clarify it?


        • #5
          Re: What are the amounts allowed by creditors in a budget.

          Originally posted by labman View Post
          I honestly have not the slightest idea what this 'veiled threat' is about. Could you clarify it?

          I can't see any threats. veiled or otherwise as there are none

          Last word from me on the subject.

          As I have already said, lets get on with helping and supporting people.


          • #6
            Re: What are the amounts allowed by creditors in a budget.

            "You are wasting your time with me though Labman, trust me."

            What exactly is that supposed to mean? A very strange comment indeed!

            Apologies Erdentarthurdent for this strange diversion from your original post. I hope the first two replies answered it for you.


            • #7
              Re: What are the amounts allowed by creditors in a budget.

              Back on topic please, this is no help to the OP if people argue on their thread !
              Last edited by Sapphire; 5th March 2012, 09:02:AM.


              • #8
                Re: What are the amounts allowed by creditors in a budget.

                Originally posted by sapphire View Post
                Back on topic please, this is no help to the OP if people argue on their thread !
                It's always the same person involved, maybe they should be made aware there are only 3 in charge on here.


                • #9
                  Re: What are the amounts allowed by creditors in a budget.

                  Yes Enaid, it's always ME involved. Some appear to think I am under some sort of illusion I have rights or powers over and above the ordinary poster. Please rest assured I do not think that for one second and I never will.

                  An analysis of it,"always being the same person" would show, I suspect, that it is always the same people (plural - more than one person) provoking comments, or, for want of a better word, bullying on-line.

                  No, this is not a case of freedom of speech, and people being able to express their opinions. It is a very sad case of someone being picked on and victimised by the same people, over and over again for absolutely no reason, other than to try and cause hurt and attack a perceived 'weak spot' in that person they cannot penetrate online.

                  Well I'm sorry, but if you, or others are too cowardly to state the truth, I will. I am sick of it. I've tolerated it for a long time, and I will complain openly to site admin, not by reporting posts behind a persons back, openly, on public forum, that I think this is despicable, bullying behaviour and should simply not be tolerated.

                  Those who are party to this know exactly what they are doing. They have no idea of anything I do behind the scenes. I can assure you that if those people actually knew me, they would think differently. However, I don't, and won't boast of things done to help other members.

                  I trust site admin will let this post remain. I hope they will. There's no need for anyone to report it as I am going to do so to alert them to it.

                  However, this had to be said, and from my point of view it had to be said publicly. At this stage I have refrained from naming names, but if the hat fits, feel free to wear it.

                  Bullying and harassing is cowardly, obnoxious behaviour. Some of you do it because you can. Others put your supposed friends in invidious positions. Perhaps those to whom this applies should think about that first.

                  This post will reappear as my response every time this happens now as I have simply had enough. I'm not cracking up, I'm not scared, I'm not ill, I have simply decided to take a stance, at long last, against the bullish, provocative, idiotic behaviour of some other members in the hope this can be stopped from ever happening to someone even more vulnerable than me.


                  • #10
                    Re: What are the amounts allowed by creditors in a budget.

                    A lot of people know that i support labman, and, i have to say there are things going on behind the scenes here that are unacceptable along with a lot of posts being directed at labman. I won't disclose names or state what it is thats going on behind the scense, but the people behind them know who they are. We have people here openly targeting Labman, for what? Because he has a credit license and a registered charity that is a godsend to people in his local community, that has helped a lot of people, where labman has been directly involved, with their debt problems. To me, i find those targeting Labman just because he has a charity to by hypocrites, after all each and every one of you here, with exception of a few, do not have credit licenses and giving out advice here, yet are quick to condem those that do have credit licenses who are advising people the same way you or i would.

                    Seriously why is it such a big deal? So what if labman has a charity and a credit license, whats it got to do with any of you, and why is it such a problem for you? It was explained in the other thread why Legal Beagles affiliated with Labmans charity, that was a decision made by the site admin to do so, they run this site and they would not do anything that would harm this site.

                    Yes am aware some of you have had past issues with Labman, but that does not give you the right to use the fact he has a charity, a license and legal beagles decision to affiliated with his charity, as a trigger to bully, harass, victimise or even investigate him as a person. Doing so is not only cowardly but also childish and spiteful behaviour. I bet not a single one of you know anyone that labman has helped, but also bet if you did, that that person would tell you how labman helps was vital to them.

                    You know what? To hell with it, since your all accusing him of touting his charity to people, when hes not, then lets see you accuse me of the same, shall we!

                    Am a business man and soler owner of a limited company (please enjoy your behind the scenes investigations off me and my company) my company supplies printer consumables, office supplies and stationary to GP, Dentist, schools, local authorities, accountants and solicitors, as well as many other organisations and businesses via out company website (currently being redesigned and repopulated with our products) at low cost but for the same quality. So if any of you what to save some money on your printer consumables of offices supplies and stationary, PM me with the details of the product your looking for and ill reply with a quote for you. There you go, now i have just touted my business, are you all going to now start behind the scenes investigations and/or openly question me and my company on public forum. Are you now going to victimise, bully and harass me for touting my business, like you have Labman under the reasoning that he was touting his charity. By the way, if i recall correctly it was the site admin that suggested Labman have the signiture that he had regarding him being licensed - In fact, i thought it was a good idea as it also promotes legal beagle as having members that are licensed to give out such debt advice, and i still do think its a good idea.

                    Now what really concerns me and what should concern most of you here, are those people that use numerous usernames, as to me they are more likely hiding something and personally i see no reason as to why they would need more than one username. It seems one such person with a number of user names is behind stirring up some of this trouble that Labman is being a victim off, now thats strange behavouir and also a deliberate attempt to underline the authority of the site admin, and such action will be nothing but damaging to this site. After all why would anyone trust this site, when we have certain individuals privately investigating other members personal and private backgrounds, just because they are suspicious off them, for some reason or another?

                    We then also have members from other sites coming here and stirring things up too, is that less important to you then knowing Labmans personal details and life story?

                    From what i have seen, it appears certain members are simply following the crowd, and think its ok to do so and to make spiteful and sarcastic comments about another member just because someone else did so before them. Well its not ok, because all you are doing is nothing more than resembling a school ground bullies gang, and once the bully is taken out, the followers disperse back to where they were before they joined the bullies crowd.

                    Think about it, as perhaps then, those of you that have been partaking in this campaign against labman, will realise just how stupid and pathetic you have made yourselves look to those of us that have been watching from the sidelines.

                    If you want to bully and harass labman, then lets see you bully and harass me too, because as far as am concerned Labman is my friend and a bloody great guy, and i will stand up for him and battle his corner. So if its a fight you guys want, and lets face it theres only 2 ways this is going to end, 1 - you back off and put aside your differences, maybe even swollow your pride too, or 2 the members on this site each pick a side - for, against or neutral and the whole site will then descend into open warfare. IS that what you guys want?

                    Seriously people grow up, take it on the chin, and stop being bloody childish. Also take a good hard look at yourselves as maybe then you will learn to stand on your own two feet and not feel the need to follow the crowd that goes round being spiteful and bullies other users. Some of you should also learn to swallow your pride once in a while too, after all the real problem for the leaders of the crowd is their own pride and self importance.
                    Last edited by teaboy2; 5th March 2012, 12:29:PM.
                    Please note that this advice is given informally, without liability and without prejudice. Always seek the advice of an insured qualified professional. All my legal and nonlegal knowledge comes from either here (LB),my own personal research and experience and/or as the result of necessity as an Employer and Businessman.

                    By using my advice in any form, you agreed to waive all rights to hold myself or any persons representing myself of any liability.

                    If you PM me, make sure to include a link to your thread as I don't give out advice in private. All PMs that are sent in missuse (including but not limited to phishing, spam) of the PM application and/or PMs that are threatening or abusive will be reported to the Site Team and if necessary to the police and/or relevant Authority.

                    I AM SO GOING TO GET BANNED BY CEL FOR POSTING terrible humour POSTS.

                    The Governess; 6th March 2012 GRRRRRR


                    • #11
                      Re: What are the amounts allowed by creditors in a budget.

                      Arthur - my apology for adding to this thread hi-jack. Please take it as a compliment that your query attracted the attention of so many valued contributors !!! If nothing else, I hope we have demonstrated how passionate we feel about a subject sometimes. That must count for something, I guess.

                      If I have a problem with somebody here - as opposed to a typically 'forum' difference of opinion, then I will try and do them the honour of dealing with it privately. That's what PM's are for. It doesn't and SHOULDN'T be dragged out into other members' threads, should it ? Particularly new members, who will of course be quite intimidated by this. If I report a post, then I will PM the poster and tell them to their face why I reported it.

                      For instance, I have no objection to Enaid's advertised charity. Indeed, I thought it was her OWN charity originally. But if I DID have any objection, then I would NOT go stalking her all around the forum, digging at her. I would PM her about it. If it then turned out that the charity advertised in her siggie was actually put there by site Admin, then I would contact Admin about my concerns. And I b100dy DO contact them - on a regular b100dy basis !!! I do my work down here on the shop-floor, and I expect Admin to do theirs up there. All b100dy three of them.

                      I have no objection to Labman's charity being advertised in his siggie, but I have learned that it was put in his siggie by Admin - and not by him. I'm sure that any of you who took the trouble to ask him personally would have been told the same. I haven't complained about it to Admin because I have no objection, but to those who DO question it, then PLEASE have the guts to contact Admin about it, instead of stomping all over other peeps' threads.

                      And....Admin......How about a bit of support for Labman, if you support his charity ?

                      I've a darned good mind to report my own post post, now....I'm that cross.


                      • #12
                        Re: What are the amounts allowed by creditors in a budget.

                        For instance, I have no objection to Enaid's advertised charity. Indeed, I thought it was her OWN charity originally.

                        How dare you!
                        I am not advertising a charity at all but help for carers no more, no less, there are links on there that can lead to all sorts of help for carers and their cared for.

                        Homepage | Carers UK

                        And for all those Labman supporters I was here the day he joined and not as Labman either. I also witnessed the trouble he caused and the the cries of 'l am being bullied' when in actual fact he was being told the advice he was giving was totally wrong and he could not accept the fact


                        • #13
                          Re: What are the amounts allowed by creditors in a budget.

                          I have no objection to you advertising a charity, Enaid - even if it's not your own. But if you were blissfully ignorant of the fact that it was a charity, then I'll treat your further comments with the same respect that they clearly deserve, and comment no further.
                          About Carers UK | Carers UK
                          Carers UK. We help carers.
                          Carers UK is a charity set up to help the millions of people who care for family or friends


                          • #14
                            Re: What are the amounts allowed by creditors in a budget.

                            Originally posted by enaid View Post
                            For instance, I have no objection to Enaid's advertised charity. Indeed, I thought it was her OWN charity originally.

                            How dare you!
                            I am not advertising a charity at all but help for carers no more, no less, there are links on there that can lead to all sorts of help for carers and their cared for.

                            Homepage | Carers UK

                            And for all those Labman supporters I was here the day he joined and not as Labman either. I also witnessed the trouble he caused and the the cries of 'l am being bullied' when in actual fact he was being told the advice he was giving was totally wrong and he could not accept the fact
                            Errr Enaid that is a charity!!

                            And what happened in the past stays in the past, it has nothing to do with what is going on right now - To say it does is nothing more than an excuse, which is a sorry state of affairs in my opinion.

                            And how does the fact you were here before Labman was, even under his older now dormant and no longer used username (unlike some that use 3 or 4 usernames back and forth regurlarly), make you any better than or more important than him. You say you were a witness to what happened, and all the trouble he caused and that he cried wolf, because members, were telling him his advice was wrong. Sorry Enaid but theirs a difference between telling someone his advise is wrong and bullying them. People do not say they are being bullied unless they actually are - No smoke without fire as they say. Were you really just a witness or one of those members that targeted a new comer who was just starting out and learning consumer law? No wonder we do not see many new members taking it upon themselves to learn consumer law, when we have this attitude towards them, just because they got their sums wrong. Because thats exactly how it seems.

                            And lets not forget, each and everyone of us started out knowing nothing about consumer law, and each and everyone of us has and still does get our advice wrong. At the end of the day though am sure Labman intentions were to help and not to cause problems, when he first started. Maybe some here should realise that new members are not as knowlegable as the rest and maybe instead of critising or downright putting them down for giving wrong advise, certain members should instead mention the advise is not correct in a gentle fashion, know as gentle correction, inclusive with the right advice and perhaps even take newer members under your wings so they can learn from you and other more knowledgeble members

                            Now i personally have nothing against anyone here, not even with Peter as our differences, as far as am concerned, are resolved. So perhaps the rest of you should learn to stop dwelling on the past and using it as an excuse or as reasoning for present actions, and instead put aside your differences with labman, even if it means swallowing your pride. Because at the end of the day theirs no one individual here who is more important than the site itself, and this site will likely still be here after many of us are long gone and 6ft under!

                            I do not doubt that labmans advice in the past when he first started may have been wrong sometimes, but that does not give anyone the right to question him or his charity, as hes clearly learnt alot about consumer law, and i personally have not seen him give any incorrect advise - Just because others may think its not correct, it doesnt mean that it is wrong advice at all, as other members can just as likely be wrong themselves. If people want to hide behind excuses as reasoning for there present actions, then go ahead, but i doubt many people on this forum will welcome any one that does so. I for one do not tolerate excuses. Explanations, yes, but not excuses.

                            Now when i first came to LB from CAG, Labman, then using his previous username, was the first and only one to add me as a friend. He even offered to help me contact a couple of people i was helping on CAG, that were relying on me, by PMing them letting them know what had happened, why i hadn't been on CAG and my personal email address so they could contact me. It resulted in himself being banned by CAG - But my point is, although alot of you welcomed me openly on the welcome messages, which i did appreciate, he was the only one to willingly added me as a friend (and no doubt would have willingly taken me under his wing if i had been a newbie to consumer law) and took the time to actually get to know me personally. To me that makes him a good person and a good friend.
                            Last edited by teaboy2; 5th March 2012, 13:46:PM.
                            Please note that this advice is given informally, without liability and without prejudice. Always seek the advice of an insured qualified professional. All my legal and nonlegal knowledge comes from either here (LB),my own personal research and experience and/or as the result of necessity as an Employer and Businessman.

                            By using my advice in any form, you agreed to waive all rights to hold myself or any persons representing myself of any liability.

                            If you PM me, make sure to include a link to your thread as I don't give out advice in private. All PMs that are sent in missuse (including but not limited to phishing, spam) of the PM application and/or PMs that are threatening or abusive will be reported to the Site Team and if necessary to the police and/or relevant Authority.

                            I AM SO GOING TO GET BANNED BY CEL FOR POSTING terrible humour POSTS.

                            The Governess; 6th March 2012 GRRRRRR


                            • #15
                              Re: What are the amounts allowed by creditors in a budget.

                              With regards to THIS thread, Latch Key Kid went a bit too far(post 4) and Labman sought to continue on the argument to be honest(post 7) when the argument was done and dusted(post 6).
                              If we want to discuss the past then feel free to move the post cos I am sure we can all have a blast. I have to say that is how I saw it on THIS thread and not any other thread. As for what was said within those posts, I could probably agree and disagree with some points.
                              I think LKK though might want to reply for themselves at some point so I won't put words into your mouth

                              If you all think things are bullying or harrassment on the forum then surely you know how to report that fact, don't you? Or have you all become a bunch of thickies :o
                              "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
                              (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


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