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  • #31
    Re: Discussion

    Originally posted by leclerc View Post
    I won't respond to what you have said Celestine for two reasons, 1) I don't agree with some of what you have said and 2) if there has been what you have suggested and bullying then site team have tools available to deal with that and may have failed to have used them sufficiently enough. I was not here last night so do what you have to do as I have responded on topic.

    Ok leclerc - firstly the siginiture used by labman was suggested by the site team, its their site not yours.

    Secondly - Why should it appear on the sidebar, and not in his signiture too. Whilst it is in his signiture its a clear connection between him and the charity and people can then relate him to the charity and see that he is also licensed to give debt advise. If a shelter representative was on here, am sure they would have in their signiture that fact that they are a shelter representative. Not to mention the fact that if he does not have a website for the charity that a link in the sidebar would be of no use - hence why they probably was no link in the sidebar in the first place!

    How many more excuses are we going to hear being used as justification for this campaign against labman and his charity?

    Oh and their is no IF's about it Lelcerc as you know full well what was going on and happening!

    As for your comments towards Celestine - What you think your above her now, so you can just ignore her, just because you do not agree with her? Yes the site team has some tools they can use, but you and i both know its not just whats been happening here alone, and that the site team can not do anything about whats being said on other sites or done offline which, by the way we know all about and know whos behind it all. Now would you like everything about what everyone has been doing made public here?

    Or will you man up and swallow your pride and let by gones be by gones, because at the end of the day those attacking Labman are nothing but being petty and pathetic as we all know that Labmans charity is there to help people just as we are here to help people. So what the hell is the problem? Why is Labmans Charity such an issue for you, infact, what business is it of yours anyway? as i think you will find its none of anyones business whether Labman has a charity of not, or if LB saw fit to affiliate with it - which would clearly suggest their was nothing untowards about Labmans charity. Which is why this campaign that certain members are partaking in is nothing more than pathetic, petty and childish bullying.

    You know as well as i do that it stems from when Labman first starting advising and his advice may not have always been correct back then like it is 99% of the time now. But he was a newbie then just like we all where newbies once, but some of you don't have the capacity to accept that as a newbie whether he was experienced in other sectors of law or not, then he is bound to make mistakes, (we all bloody do it, even the members involved in the campaign get it wrong sometimes, even now!) in sectors of law where hes only just starting to get involved in. But certain members shot him down like he was a piece of dirt, just because he got it wrong and those members may have, pathetically, felt he was trespassing on their sector that they deludedly assumed they were the sole king and god like mr/mrs know it all off. He responded politely, but hey it was the IN crowd, were your either in or out that he had upset by his presence wasn't it? And now the whole sorry story continues through the remenants of that original IN crowd. Congratulations, because as far as am concerned those members behaving in such a way are nothing but an embarressment for this site and are doing exactly what certain members did to CAG where by they turned it into a group where you were either Part of the IN crowd or you were out. E.g. disagree with them and you were banned.

    Its pathetic and those members behind this campagin against labman need to grow up as you not impressing anyone and stop making excuses for your actions as excuses do not justify your actions, they are nothing but pathetic excuses that a child would make - "Mummy he advised so and so with the wrong advise, so now we have hate campaign against him" - Thats what all the members involved in the campaign are really saying, and thats how pathetic it looks to people on the outside including other members here that are watching from the side lines shaking their heads at all of you behind this hate campaign - Only you too full of yourselves to realise what prats and idiots you are being.

    Enough is enough, if it doesnt stop here then i will urge celestine and labman to make everything the members behind the hate campaign have said and done public, so they can all be named and shamed. Something tells me neither you or they will like that much.

    Now i have nothing personal against any of those involved, but i hope all of you behind this hate campaign come to your senses and realise just how pathetic and petty your all being - not just for labmans sake but for the sake of all of us here and more then anything else, for the sake of the this very site. Or would you prefer Celestine shut the site down, because, and am guessing here, i have no doubt in my mind that shes getting pig sick of it all right now especially when her baby was ill the other day and she had this to come back too.
    Last edited by teaboy2; 6th March 2012, 10:56:AM.
    Please note that this advice is given informally, without liability and without prejudice. Always seek the advice of an insured qualified professional. All my legal and nonlegal knowledge comes from either here (LB),my own personal research and experience and/or as the result of necessity as an Employer and Businessman.

    By using my advice in any form, you agreed to waive all rights to hold myself or any persons representing myself of any liability.

    If you PM me, make sure to include a link to your thread as I don't give out advice in private. All PMs that are sent in missuse (including but not limited to phishing, spam) of the PM application and/or PMs that are threatening or abusive will be reported to the Site Team and if necessary to the police and/or relevant Authority.


    The Governess; 6th March 2012 GRRRRRR


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