This does my head in, as I'm sure it does others too. You but two socks in the wash and only one comes out. I have a bag of socks and if I am really in the mood I will go through and all that don't pair up go in the bin.
That then leads to another bag of lonely socks and the process starts again.
This came to mind cause OH bought himself some new socks this week, 7 pairs, all with a different day of the week on and all with different coloured toes and heels. I went mad at first, but as you can't see the colours or the days they just look like normal black socks.
I have had a bet with him as to how long it will be before he has a Friday and a Sunday sock on, on the same day and that day being a Saturday.
It doesn't help either that he is colour blind lol.
Anyways this must be a lt bigger problem than I originally thought they have a missing sock bureau and a whole load of posts about it lol have a read.