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OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices

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  • #16
    Re: OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices


    This ones to the fee chargers...

    Come on, its an absolute gift, dip your bread, but make the best of it, then we can start talking about PPI claims etc concerning people in DMPs & IVAs & the OFT guidelines etc


    • #17
      Re: OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices


      So is it the case that any branch can accept funding from any source without approval from a central office?

      Are there no guidelines regarding possible conflict of interest issues?



      • #18
        Re: OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices

        I refer you to my comment on the 'other' thread about this re being independent while being a 'brand.'

        Believe you me, those comments are made with a deal of first hand experience. This is exactly why I think this move is so appalling, especially as I know there is talk of it being rolled out to other branches unfortunately (sorry LKK!) If CAB were managing to get even me on side to some extent over certain things they're doing, they were doing VERY well. This undoes the good work of so many others, especially if what I am hearing is true.


        • #19
          Re: OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices

          Originally posted by Mr.Peterbard View Post

          So is it the case that any branch can accept funding from any source without approval from a central office?

          Are there no guidelines regarding possible conflict of interest issues?

          Hi Peter

          There will be limits like every other organisation (I was going to put guidelines

          The excact science I could not say without looking further into it


          • #20
            Re: OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices

            Originally posted by labman View Post
            I refer you to my comment on the 'other' thread about this re being independent while being a 'brand.'

            Believe you me, those comments are made with a deal of first hand experience. This is exactly why I think this move is so appalling, especially as I know there is talk of it being rolled out to other branches unfortunately (sorry LKK!) If CAB were managing to get even me on side to some extent over certain things they're doing, they were doing VERY well. This undoes the good work of so many others, especially if what I am hearing is true.
            Hi Labman

            Well, you have read my opinion.

            I dont know of any plans to roll this out and have not heard any talk at other branches, could you please expand on what you have put or is this just hearsay?

            They are still doing very well considering, and will continue to do a priceless job and like I have already said, you have read my opinion.

            I think the BBC interview comes over particulary bad for the CAB, not much time for the reporter involved but she manages to pull it off in a fashion this time, but it could have been much worse.

            like I say, however well intentioned, it comes across as a bit of a shocker (especially the BBC interview)

            I dont know the level of funding involved, probably minute, but that does not count for the headline seekers and if I am honest (which I am I would have a field day if the boot was on the other foot so to speak.

            Anyone else while Im here?
            Last edited by Latch Key Kid; 22nd May 2012, 18:53:PM.


            • #21
              Re: OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices


              I will try to get a little further info on this.

              Also, all posts on here are my personal independent opinions only, I dont speak officially for the CAB.


              • #22
                Re: OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices

                No, not hearsay LKK, but not something I can expand on here either at present. I just know it is being discussed.

                You know well I was not very pro CAB for very good reasons. I have continued right through this to say it is a real shame, as they will all be tarred with the same brush, something I've said in one form or another several times now yesterday and today.

                I do have a bit of an issue, and I do realise there are very practical reasons for it as well, with CAB talking about the 'brand that is CAB' then potentially being able to divorce themselves from that very same 'brand' when it suits them. As I say, practical, but also extremely shrewd.

                You know also that I genuinely admire the work some CAB's are doing, such as the one in North East Derbyshire among others. You can either say it would be a shame if the actions of what is currently one CAB tar the others, or you can say it's a shame they're not all like North East Derbyshire. Either way, both are CAB 'corporate' and I'm not sticking the boot in, I'm just stating fact when I say they use the small independence of each and the 'corporate body that is CAB' to their full benefit.

                Anyone who has had a detailed inside view into the workings of an individual CAB at a high level will know just how true the above statement is.

                And yes, we know your views are your own and in no way represent those of CAB - I for one hold you in respect for that.


                • #23
                  Re: OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices

                  Originally posted by labman View Post
                  No, not hearsay LKK, but not something I can expand on here either at present. I just know it is being discussed.

                  You know well I was not very pro CAB for very good reasons. I have continued right through this to say it is a real shame, as they will all be tarred with the same brush, something I've said in one form or another several times now yesterday and today.

                  I do have a bit of an issue, and I do realise there are very practical reasons for it as well, with CAB talking about the 'brand that is CAB' then potentially being able to divorce themselves from that very same 'brand' when it suits them. As I say, practical, but also extremely shrewd.

                  You know also that I genuinely admire the work some CAB's are doing, such as the one in North East Derbyshire among others. You can either say it would be a shame if the actions of what is currently one CAB tar the others, or you can say it's a shame they're not all like North East Derbyshire. Either way, both are CAB 'corporate' and I'm not sticking the boot in, I'm just stating fact when I say they use the small independence of each and the 'corporate body that is CAB' to their full benefit.

                  Anyone who has had a detailed inside view into the workings of an individual CAB at a high level will know just how true the above statement is.

                  And yes, we know your views are your own and in no way represent those of CAB - I for one hold you in respect for that.

                  I am being told that this is an isolated case, no plans to roll anything out, if they do, then, I refer to my other posts, in fact somebody would probably need their head examining!

                  The CAB are one of the heaveyweights in the free advice field especially debt and welfare rights and others(perhaps the biggest) and this will pass as tomorrow thousands of people right across the country will continue to pass through their offices or contacting, accessing by telephone & internet etc, it wont make a jot of difference.

                  Trust me Labman this is nothing compared to the last two years or so.

                  PS - I was not referring to you sticking the boot in, it is a publicity shocker as I have already said, I was talking about myself if there was a smiliar headline relating to the you know whos (TFC) - have to take the rough with the smooth when you dish it out like I do, anyway it makes a change from hammering them all the time

                  Will update if & when I can.

                  Again, for the sake of the writs (again).....

                  My opinions only


                  • #24
                    Re: OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices

                    I sincerely hope you're right. We are both VERY passionate about consumer rights, so I have no doubt we agree this should remain isolated. I suspect someone from the upper echelons will have picked up on this and intervened.


                    • #25
                      Re: OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices


                      Personally i think the damage has been done, they will now be able to say that they are working with, and by implication accredited by, the (apparently) counties largest debt charity. Your average punter (like me) wont know corporate structure, and frankly wont care.

                      I think we need to be pushing the CEO for some answers as to how the damage can be repaired.



                      • #26
                        Re: OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices

                        I think you will find it difficult to get anything straight from the CEO. That's not to say one shouldn't try. The thing is, with CAB, while they maintain a smoke screen of each CAB being an independent unit, the truth is a little different. Each is an independent unit, a small charity, with access to the 'brand' and all that entails. By this I mean the corporate structure and resources one would expect from such a structure. Each small unit can tap into these as and when they wish. I have solid evidence and experience of this happening. I also know for sure the corruption, lies and deceit which are perpetrated by senior CAB members.

                        It keeps returning to the issue of what I mentioned on the other thread - the shrewdness of having a lot of individually accountable units within a huge corporate structure. This is not by accident.

                        This may pass over as another piece of news which happened yesterday. Personally I don't feel that is good enough. If it can happen once, it can happen again. Also, it was not exactly difficult to know this was a crassly idiotic move. CAB corporate needs to explain, with total transparency, their funding streams of which there are many. They need to explain with total transparency how these funding streams are selected, by whom and within what guidelines. They need to explain whether they put pressure on the individual units to meet targets for self funding, or indeed for 'getting bums on seats.' In other words for generating business. Are their funding streams target driven? If so, which ones? If they are target driven, what lengths will CAB go to in order to reach those targets?

                        I could go on about this for a very long time. There is much that needs bringing into the open here, and it would be a full time job trying to do so. The complexities within the organisation corporate and on an individual basis are immense. Legal advice coming from other charitable organisations which help not only CAB, but also Local Health Authorities and other bodies; Meetings to address serious issues being organised by other supposedly autonomous charities / organisations, but actually having the strings pulled by CAB.

                        How does one begin to start tackling these complexities?

                        I agree Peter, the CEO should be answering some questions, and this should not be left to die. However, the reality will be an agreed statement, and they will ensure 'the brand' is protected. Cynical? Yes, very. True? I have evidence to show it to be true. Is a transparent explanation which would withstand in depth analysis possible to achieve? I honestly do not think so - I wish passionately it were.

                        Most importantly, the good practice of CAB's where this exists should be shared asap among all the others for the benefit of the public and the advice sector as a whole.
                        Last edited by labman; 23rd May 2012, 09:26:AM.


                        • #27
                          Re: OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices



                          I will write to a few of these via Tameside third sector coalition and the current chair of the credit union.

                          See if we can get some answers.



                          • #28
                            Re: OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices

                            Originally posted by Mr.Peterbard View Post


                            I will write to a few of these via Tameside third sector coalition and the current chair of the credit union.

                            See if we can get some answers.

                            Excellent Peter, just take what you get back with a large pinch of salt.

                            I have significant experience with the Chief Executive, both directly and seeing communications to and from her to a third party via a SDAR. They were not altogether to be accepted at face value and what went on behind the scenes is positively shameful.

                            I sincerely hope you get a positive result. I know others in the advice sector who are vey concerned about this and are also writing letters expressing these.


                            • #29
                              Re: OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices

                              Originally posted by labman View Post
                              I think you will find it difficult to get anything straight from the CEO. That's not to say one shouldn't try. The thing is, with CAB, while they maintain a smoke screen of each CAB being an independent unit, the truth is a little different. Each is an independent unit, a small charity, with access to the 'brand' and all that entails. By this I mean the corporate structure and resources one would expect from such a structure. Each small unit can tap into these as and when they wish. I have solid evidence and experience of this happening. I also know for sure the corruption, lies and deceit which are perpetrated by senior CAB members.

                              It keeps returning to the issue of what I mentioned on the other thread - the shrewdness of having a lot of individually accountable units within a huge corporate structure. This is not by accident.

                              This may pass over as another piece of news which happened yesterday. Personally I don't feel that is good enough. If it can happen once, it can happen again. Also, it was not exactly difficult to know this was a crassly idiotic move. CAB corporate needs to explain, with total transparency, their funding streams of which there are many. They need to explain with total transparency how these funding streams are selected, by whom and within what guidelines. They need to explain whether they put pressure on the individual units to meet targets for self funding, or indeed for 'getting bums on seats.' In other words for generating business. Are their funding streams target driven? If so, which ones? If they are target driven, what lengths will CAB go to in order to reach those targets?

                              I could go on about this for a very long time. There is much that needs bringing into the open here, and it would be a full time job trying to do so. The complexities within the organisation corporate and on an individual basis are immense. Legal advice coming from other charitable organisations which help not only CAB, but also Local Health Authorities and other bodies; Meetings to address serious issues being organised by other supposedly autonomous charities / organisations, but actually having the strings pulled by CAB.

                              How does one begin to start tackling these complexities?

                              I agree Peter, the CEO should be answering some questions, and this should not be left to die. However, the reality will be an agreed statement, and they will ensure 'the brand' is protected. Cynical? Yes, very. True? I have evidence to show it to be true. Is a transparent explanation which would withstand in depth analysis possible to achieve? I honestly do not think so - I wish passionately it were.

                              Most importantly, the good practice of CAB's where this exists should be shared asap among all the others for the benefit of the public and the advice sector as a whole.

                              What started as a discussion on an isolated case of a single CAB branch taking funding from Wonga for what looks like a survey seems to be turning into something else with pretty serious accusations being made.

                              CAB branches are independent from each other as I have already explained.

                              The simple answer to accusations and hearsay is, evidence them, prove them and that includes the rolling out of the Wonga funding amonst other CABs already alluded to.

                              Funders expect results for their money whatever the charity or agency as do employers, very naive to suggest the CAB is any different to any other organisation.

                              Funders are expecting more for less putting immense pressure on debt advisers at the CAB, but they are getting on with it best they can including referrals from other agencies who pass on when they are out of their depth or only provide telephone advice or cannot make any money out of them.

                              Like I said the CABs will no doubt have had thousands of people through their doors today and will continue to do so despite the detractors who may have their own reasons to criticise.

                              I have made my views clear on this already on this thread and cannot really make it any clearer, but some of the stuff I am reading now is nothing to do with the subject of this thread in my opinion.

                              The age old saying round my neck of the woods is this .."when you dish it out you have to be prepared to take it back"

                              Wonder if this will apply here if the questions are asked or examples given?
                              Last edited by Latch Key Kid; 23rd May 2012, 17:58:PM.


                              • #30
                                Re: OFT requires Wonga to ensure improved debt collection practices

                                Originally posted by labman View Post
                                I sincerely hope you're right. We are both VERY passionate about consumer rights, so I have no doubt we agree this should remain isolated. I suspect someone from the upper echelons will have picked up on this and intervened.

                                It was isolated.




                                Dont worry I will be right, if anything, this just highlights the case for more funding for the CABs as what are the alternatives somebody like A4E (remember them)

                                PS - I have listened to the BBC interview a couple more times, just gets worse everytime I hear it.


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