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Think it's time he retired

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  • #16
    Re: Think it's time he retired

    When I had my pubs, I was blown up by the IRA (Canary Wharf) and burgled in two other premises, all they took was money from a charity box in one pub, and booze off the shelf in another pub, you may call me lucky msl:at least the paddy's were honest enough to plant a bloody bomb.

    Last Wednesday we had a new hot water cylinder fitted by British Gas, they arranged to collect it from us on the Thursday, the borrowers (Pikey's) nicked it from our drive overnight, we know it was them, we have them on CCTV and have passed a copy to the coppers.

    Re: the drugs thing, my feelings are that we should find a nice empty uninhabited island off of somewhere like Scotland, drop them all there and send a pallett of food once a week, and a shed load of drugs, let them fight over it, anyone who survives a certain amount of months is then brought back, put into a decent rehab and given help to start again.

    And before anyone jumps on me for that.... yes I do know what I am talking about, this is someone who's stepdaughter was married to a heroin/crack addict that got his own son on it (son ended up in prison and subsequently died from a quad bike accident just before his 18th birthday), the ex son in law was off the drugs for years and years and is now back on it, he's a shadow of his former self and his own kids (our grandkids) are waiting for him to drop down dead, couldn't happen quick enough in my eyes, I detest the man with a vengeance.


    • #17
      Re: Think it's time he retired

      Sapphy,,I totally get where you are coming from,,told you the sorry tale about my ex b-in-law ,,bloody trainwreck of a git,,they finally flung his ashes 2 weeks ago,,good riddance I say. I can't go to prison for murder,,I'm too young and far too fine so I agree with your solution Our heating engineers managed to keep our old immersion heater before the chavs got it,,but the old crappy radiators were gone from front garden in the blink of an eye, I once had 2 washing machines put on front lawn for council to collect,,they were pilfered within 10 minutes and I supposedly live in a 'quiet' village !! They'd nick yer grannys bloomers off the line for the elastic if they spot em I'll tell you something funny,,I used to run a club bar and one morning at 4.45am I got called out for the alarm,,got there,met police with huge great dog,,searched building,,nothing,,,checked CCTV,,our 'burglar' was a member breaking OUT of the club,,we had locked him in toilet,,drunk as skunk and asleep !!!


      • #18
        Re: Think it's time he retired

        They interviewed one of the victims on the news earlier on. They were an elderly couple, the man had been hospitalised through shock. Will probably never feel safe in their own home gain.

        They had someone pontificating that the accused didnt get a free pass.. that he had been ordered to do 200 + hours of community service and had to report to a Social worker for 2 years !! Well that's alright then !!


        • #19
          Re: Think it's time he retired

          Bless his precious little heart,,Little Lord Burglar has to do 'community service' I'd shove the b*****d in a room full of people who don't think Judgey made a sensible decision and see how scared he gets,,a taste of what he has done to that darling older couple who only request to live their autumn years in peace and safety yet have been violated in their 'sanctuary' Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!


          • #20
            Re: Think it's time he retired

            It seems that more and more the actual victims of crime get forgotten :tinysmile_cry_t:
            Never give up, Never surrender.


            • #21
              Re: Think it's time he retired

              I hope,,on everything I hold holy,,that the 'naughty' thugs of his town serve up a nice dish of 'serve him right' justice,,not that I agree with it of course :tung:


              • #22
                Re: Think it's time he retired

                Originally posted by Celestine View Post
                The thing that REALLY gets me is how many substance abusers START their habit in Jail??? (or say they did....)

                Yes, I agree lots more support for addicts, methadone does not work (10x harder to quit than heroin) so why not 'prescribe' the heroin??? Cut off the street dealers and the need to steal to support their habit.
                It's the dealers who encourage them to commit burglaries in the first place. I agree that support for addicts and treatment orders would be better. The Dutch treat drug addiction as a health problem, not a criminal problem, and prescribe controlled drugs. The police can then concentrate on smashing the illegal dealers. Why is it that our politicians look west for solutions to problem instead of east?
                Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


                • #23
                  Re: Think it's time he retired

                  Originally posted by dogtired View Post
                  We had our caravan broken into and smashed up several years ago, the tea-leaves involved used our stabilizer to break into at least twelve more at the same time.
                  Mostly taking canned food and a portable TV and radio.
                  The police told it it was more likely to be "addicts" who would sell the sellable stuff and eat the food.
                  We found out through contacts who had actually done it and that he was selling our stuff in a local pub, but were told by the police that if we got it back WE would be prosecuted for receiving stolen goods!
                  We also found out, much later that one of the people involved was a police informer.
                  Tell the numpty coppers to go back to training school and, this time, not to fall asleep during lectures. I've never heard coppers come out with such crap! And I'm an ex-copper!
                  Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


                  • #24
                    Re: Think it's time he retired

                    What feckin' scares me is what kind of a b100dy legal system have we got that allows such a jerk of a judge to suck money from it - and us, whilst publicly declaring not only his inability to dispense justice, but his support for his fellow low-life.

                    What is HE on, I wonder ?

                    And where did HE acquire his habit ?

                    Absolute madness.


                    • #25
                      Re: Think it's time he retired

                      Originally posted by bluebottle View Post
                      Tell the numpty coppers to go back to training school and, this time, not to fall asleep during lectures. I've never heard coppers come out with such crap! And I'm an ex-copper!
                      It was some years ago BB! Would not belive them now I am afraid :tinysmile_cry_t:
                      Never give up, Never surrender.


                      • #26
                        Re: Think it's time he retired

                        I have to say,,our local cops are excellent .


                        • #27
                          Re: Think it's time he retired

                          Hey ho David Cameron's got in on the act now, apparently he's been burgled twice http://news.sky.com/story/981648/pm-...lar-courageous I wonder if he'll have the bottle to do something about this appalling person we laughingly call a Judge.


                          • #28
                            Re: Think it's time he retired

                            I spotted Daveyboy spouting his 'I'm like you commoners,,my gaff got robbed ' I agree,,lets see if he 'mans up' and calls for JudgeMadAsABoxOfFrogs to be investigated properly


                            • #29
                              Re: Think it's time he retired

                              My daughter works in this line after coming out of uni and hoping she could help. She is fast becoming disillusioned as she realises she is just the middle man for methadone because they don't have resources to do any more. She tries to talk to them but it's just a case of 'give me the methadone Miss'.

                              I saw a drug deal the other week behind a Pizza Hut, a really dodgy looking guy handed packets to 2 kids on bikes, I reported it but didn't hang around to stare for obvious reasons.

                              Druggies are from another planet from me but then again, so is Cameron - to compare himself with us is ridiculously patronising and is not working for him. He is pants at the job because he knows nothing about what he's trying to deal with. Cameron running this poorer and poorer country is like a welder becoming a surgeon.


                              • #30
                                Re: Think it's time he retired

                                I would be very careful posting a story from the Daily Wail, which is an authoritarian and right-wing hate sheet.

                                However, the judge seems not to have chosen his words very wisely. Rather than saying that burglary required courage beyond that which the judge possessed, it would have been better to say that it required more than the ordinary level of gall or chutzpah.

                                He should also have thanked the burglar for his guilty plea and his request for other offences to be taken into consideration; in sentencing, the judge should have made it plain that the non-custodial sentence he had imposed could be more onerous to the felon than merely locking him up, as it means that he has to behave himself if he is to avoid being gaoled.


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