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Banks Must Change their Culture

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  • Banks Must Change their Culture

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  • #2
    Re: Banks Must Change their Culture

    Proceeds of crime act anyone ?



    • #3
      Re: Banks Must Change their Culture

      Re: Banks Must Change their Culture
      Fat chance greed rules


      • #4
        Re: Banks Must Change their Culture

        Question from an investment banker (for the avoidance of any doubt the investment banker did not work for Barclays) to an accountant

        what is 1+1 ?

        Answer "what do you want it to equal ?"

        link dated 28 Apr 2011


        quote from the link

        "Technical as it may be, that one small detail is a devastating unmasking of how Barclays was held hostage by 45 of its own investment bankers who were managing its exposure to sub-prime toxic waste
        Just two months earlier, Barclays had struck a highly unusual deal to move $12.3bn (£7.4bn) of dodgy credit market assets off its balance sheet and into a new Cayman Islands company, Protium. Although a separate entity, Protium was effectively an arm of Barclays as it was 96.5pc financed with a 10-year, $12.6bn loan from the bank"


        • #5
          Re: Banks Must Change their Culture

          And you wonder how the world got in all this deep doodoo.

          It is time that the finance industry once again became a service industry rather than this crazy meglomaniacal monsters that think that they are entitled to the lion's share when they add no susbstantial worth to any company. All they add is virtual value and when folk realise it is virtual it all goes sunny side up.

          Put the engineer's in charge!!!!
          'I don't see why everyone depends on me. I'm not dependable. Even I don't
          depend on me, and I'm me.'


          • #6
            Re: Banks Must Change their Culture

            "We can see we need a real change in the culture of the industry"

            Thanks for catching up, Merv.

            We, the hoi polloi, have been telling you that for years.


            • #7
              Re: Banks Must Change their Culture : former vice president guilty of embezzlement

              TODAYS latest from our former colonies (aka USa) perfect timing for this story to break

              "Former CITIGROUP.INC (c) Vice President Gary Foster was sentenced to 97 months in prison for embezzling almost $23 million from the bank, according to federal prosecutors in BROOKLYN , New York."


              ME wonders just how many embezzlers we have in the UK ?:beagle:
              Last edited by mercury-the-messenger; 29th June 2012, 22:24:PM.


              • #8
                Re: Banks Must Change their Culture


                "People want action not words!"


                • #9
                  Re: Banks Must Change their Culture

                  I just simply cannot see how the banks can be allowed to get away with this. If any other company or individual acted in a similar manner they would be arrested immediately and sent down for a long time.

                  Anything less than long prison sentences, arrest of the top brass for fraud, and a real shake up of banking conduct (not just marketing gestures) will be a real miscarriage of justice.

                  Relationships between banks and consumers had become a battlefield already. This latest scandal shows how much the financial 'lords and masters' hold consumers in contempt.


                  • #10
                    Re: Banks Must Change their Culture .. does THIS "DIAMOND" have flaws ?

                    "CARAT" dangled in front of "DIAMOND" Proves irrestable:tinysmile_hmm_t2:

                    "Barclays: We took a £7bn handout from the ECB"

                    Saturday 03 March 2012

                    "Barclays has admitted it had changed tack and borrowed cheap money from the
                    European Central Bank in this week's huge liquidity boost. It said yesterday it
                    had taken €8.2bn (£6.9bn) in the long-term refinancing operation, having not
                    done so in the previous round in September 2011.
                    The move came as something of a surprise since Barclays likes to claim it
                    survived the financial crisis without recourse to taxpayer money

                    2011: "We never failed a stress test, we never put the system at risk:tinysmile_hmm_t2::tinysmile_hmm_t2:. We never took a single penny from any taxpayer around the world.":tinysmile_hmm_t2::tinysmile_hmm_t2:

                    Today, Barclays is using money provided not by the UK taxpayer but by the
                    taxpayers of the 17 eurozone countries. It goes into its Spanish and Portuguese

                    Last edited by mercury-the-messenger; 30th June 2012, 17:07:PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Banks Must Change their Culture

                      Originally posted by Fortinbras View Post
                      "We can see we need a real change in the culture of the industry"

                      Thanks for catching up, Merv.

                      We, the hoi polloi, have been telling you that for years.
                      Actually Mervyn King has been telling us for years - presumably you weren't listening although the BBA were and here are 2 historic examples of them complaining about what he said.



                      His Wikipedia entry states that ''King has been scathing about the banking sector since it crashed''

                      He has been consistently critical of banks including the way they treat their retail customers. It was his speech that put this scandal on the front pages and on the political agenda. He deserves our support and not our criticism.


                      • #12
                        Re: Banks Must Change their Culture

                        We, the general consumer, were listening and still are...
                        Now, we want action and not just words!


                        • #13
                          Re: Banks Must Change their Culture


                          The Banks have ridden roughshod over us all for years!

                          We need a Regulator with teeth and not governments that are in the pockets of the cesspit Banks...


                          • #14
                            Re: Banks Must Change their Culture

                            Originally posted by Angry Cat View Post
                            We, the general consumer, were listening and still are...
                            Now, we want action and not just words!
                            What do you expect Mervyn King to do? As the Governor of the Bank of England he's in about as much of a position to take action as you are.


                            • #15
                              Re: Banks Must Change their Culture

                              Times running out and there is already much speculation on who will succeed Mervyn King next year?
                              A cesspit investment Banker?

                              At the end of the day, it will be the politicians who will have to sort this mess out...

                              If this country was America the rate riggers would end up breaking rocks!!!


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