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  • Mr

    I would like any suggestions regarding an inheritance that my children should receive which is an amount of £15000 to £20000 to be split between 5 of them as their mum passed 6 years ago so her inheritance from her mum who passed just over two years ago their Nan passes to them

    The problem is the executor the mum’s brother has never written to them has sold the main asset a property & has not produced any accounts even though has been asked several times.

    He has changed his phone number email is never answered very difficult to find & as far as we know is self employed & lives in another part of the U.K. & don’t have an address
    The address he applied for probate from has been sold is there a legal requirement for him to tell the probate people where he now lives

    Although to the children it is a substantial amount if they have to employ solicitors it is not a lot & I would worry that it could cost more than the amount due

    Any advice would be welcome as they had the heartbreak of losing their mum when so young & now a family member seems to be taking advantage for his own personal gain

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  • #2
    The wording of the will has to be allowed for. Normally the predecease of a benficiary terminates that gift. Words are frequently asdded to achieve the case you suggest, but it cannot be assumed.


    • #3
      They are definitely beneficiaries I want any suggestions about how to get the executor to show how much is in the estate & when he will give what is owed


      • #4
        The beneficiaries may ask the executor to provide an account of the estate and his dealings with it.
        Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

        Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


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