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Contesting a will - undue influence

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  • Contesting a will - undue influence

    I am considering contesting my late father’s will on the grounds of undue influence from my sister and would appreciate any advice.

    I currently receive Universal Credit Self-employment support and am classed as Limited Capability for Work. I am about to embark on the process of setting up a Community Interest Company and whilst I do not currently have the funds to do this, I do expect to be growing my income over the next few months so have to make a decision as to whether I have enough grounds and whether it is worth following up as I do feel it is something I should do. From initial enquiries it looks like I’d have to pay £750 just for a solicitor to have initial look at the situation, so I’m hoping to gain some more insight beforehand.

    I was always promised half the house, however, his will was changed and now it states £30k to myself, £50k to my sister’s son / my nephew, £20k to my mother / his ex-wife, and the remainder to be put into a trust for my sister. I would hope this could be resolved with mediation - I have tried communicating with my sister, however, she did not answer when I asked about the change and whether I would be receiving anything from the proceeds of the sale of the house.

    Last year, aged 50, I was diagnosed autistic and adhd, following my adhd diagnosis in 2019, and am currently in the process of further diagnosis for various comorbidities. When I was diagnosed adhd in 2019 I started on adhd medication which changed my life for the better and I started to rebuild things from scratch yet again. I had returned to stay at my father’s in 2016 to keep costs down between contracts, however, didn’t realise how ill I was and in 2017 I had a severe vitamin B12 deficiency where I couldn’t stand up or think straight. Through my recovery from that I discovered my adhd and at the time had no idea I was also autistic, however, now I look back I have no idea how I survived half a century without knowing. It was also obvious to me my father was autistic (for example “feeling up” the curtain by his chair - sensory stuff!), and my mother’s and sister’s neurodivergencies too - but they refuse to acknowledge and instead continue to scapegoat me.

    As my health improved and I was planning to move out, the CV thing happened and I was stuck. At the time his partner was also living there. I kept myself to myself - he used to take the mick out of me eating salads so I generally kept out of the way as I appreciated the support given at the time I had zero idea why everything I tried didn’t seem to work. I didn’t realise at the time the daily verbal abuse I had about how cr*p I was and what would I do without him around to fund me also took its toll, even though I’ve achieved a lot I’m proud of in my life - but I did that away from what I thought was “home”. I also didn’t know about things like narcissism at the time.

    My father then became ill after the jibby-jab thing, had sepsis, his partner passed away, and I ended up caring for him full-time. He had agreed to lend me money to move out, but after this I agreed to stay to look after him and used the money to replace my decade old laptop and buy an electric bike so I could get out for longer rides so wasn’t there all the time. I’d learned a lot in my recovery about healthy food and supplements, and I said I could help him with my knowledge but obviously it would cost more for healthy food and supplements for him. Everyone who saw him said how much better he was looking after just a few weeks. We discussed him moving to supported living and as he lived near a popular hospital I suggested he invested in doing the house up and renting it out so he could afford it.

    He eventually decided he didn’t want to move, I said I couldn’t stay forever and he said he’d arrange for home help.

    For months I had been in control of the finances, organising all the shopping, cleaning, cooking, etc. and he had continued to put money into the account he had given me access to solely for this purpose, I had no access to his other funds. He transferred some to help me move, however, the week before the rental agreement started for my new place and the day I was supposed to be going out for a leaving meal with a couple of friends so my sister had come round to pick him up to look after him for a week (first time she’d done any of this and I still had to prep a week’s worth of meals for him!), literally out of the blue the police arrived and I discovered he’d accused me of fraud, and all the money including that for all the food, supplements, even his blood pressure tester, and the bike which I’d had for months, he didn’t apparently know anything about. By then he wasn’t able to drive so my sister must’ve organised all this.

    I ended up being locked in a police cell and chucked out on the street at 2am. Luckily my new place let me move in a week early and I started my life, yet again, from scratch. I was given a small window of a few hours to collect my belongings last year, however, when I returned, 99% of my belongings had gone.

    I only discovered his death because I had set up access to his online medical records, however, this is also how I saw the following set of events which I believe provides possible evidence of undue influence. The accusations of fraud were dropped in June of 2022 because there was zero evidence. I don’t know what went on, personally I don’t know why they wouldn’t have approached me first before calling the police, which makes me even more suspicious but I can’t prove anything I guess.

    19-Sep-23 Grant of Probate issued, £380k gross/£387k net

    24-Feb-22 Will changed - sister must’ve driven him there

    25-Jan-22 Police turned up & I was arrested, released later that night, accusations dropped June-22 due to zero evidence

    From medical records I have screenshots of:

    27-Nov-22: My father passed away aged 85, previously of fairly good health
    24-Nov-22: Last entry in online medical records, for hospital referral, BP 160/110
    15-Nov-22: CV booster administered, must’ve been driven there by my sister
    10-Nov-22: Influenza 3rd SMS msg, declined
    7-Nov-22: CV booster declined by him from SMS

    So, despite knowing in full about the money we were spending on his recovery and helping me, which he physically put into the account multiple times, suddenly this changes, he doesn’t know anything, I’m falsely accused, will is changed, then a few months later after repeatedly declining “medical interventions” he’s driven down to his death.

    I did consider the 1975 support act as he had been supporting me and at the time I didn’t know my diagnosis, however, I realise the timeline issue as it’s gone 6 months since grant of probate.

    I am considering it now as the house has been on the market for £325k but suddenly disappeared the other day. I emailed the solicitors and they said they were going to try a different estate agent, however, it’s probably just too highly priced for the condition. I am sad he didn’t listen to my advice about doing it up - I just got shouted at by my sister who said it was up to him, but then with Zoopla valuing it at £383k they’re losing out more than I was accused of plus what it would’ve cost to do up a bit. With everyone searching online I don’t see how a change of estate agent will change much. The solicitor also told me not to expect responses from them from my emails as they didn’t want to “add costs”. I was tempted to reply to them remarking on costs for what, but managed to refrain myself. They are the executioners, but don’t seem to be executing much apart from the presumable costs and deterioration of the property.

    Anyway, I know these situations are not simple, and it’s not that big of an estate in terms of taking it to court, but I do feel there’s more going on here and I feel I deserve what I was always promised by him even in conversations right up until things turned nasty.

    I am not sure how editing works on these forums but I will probably need to remove this post at some point as it’s pretty detailed even though names aren’t mentioned, I hope that’s not against the way things are done and feel free to advise accordingly.

    Thanks in advance
    Tags: None

  • #2
    You have explained in detail...

    Have l summarised this correctly?

    You are claiming potential undue influence because of your sister's involvement in your father's (later) care and the Will?

    1. You were promised half a house but are due a £30k lump sum instead

    2. Grant of Probate issued Sept 2023.

    3. Solicitors are dealing with house sale.

    4. Your father supported you through your own ill-health.

    5. You were your father's main carer for a while but allegations of fraud followed but were dropped.

    6. Mediation is not on the cards

    What can you do?


    • #3
      Originally posted by JustAThought View Post
      You have explained in detail...

      Have l summarised this correctly?

      You are claiming potential undue influence because of your sister's involvement in your father's (later) care and the Will?

      1. You were promised half a house but are due a £30k lump sum instead

      2. Grant of Probate issued Sept 2023.

      3. Solicitors are dealing with house sale.

      4. Your father supported you through your own ill-health.

      5. You were your father's main carer for a while but allegations of fraud followed but were dropped.

      6. Mediation is not on the cards

      What can you do?
      1. I don't know what the previous version of the will was, there was talk previously of my sister being in control of the monetary side of things and a reduction of the amount given to me based on what I was borrowing to move out, so I don't know if there was a trust previously and a larger lump sum. Given the treatment I received and the amount I was accused of I don't want to rest on the hope of receiving some from the trust, I am leaning towards thinking this is more calculated and the aim all along was for her to get as much as possible. So at the moment all it seems I will get is £30k when from him I was always promised half the house, which even with costs should be a lot more than that.

      2. Yes

      3. Yes, well, supposedly - all they seem to have done is listed it with one agent for half a year now changing to try a new one

      4. Yes, on multiple occasions because I now realise these were "autistic burnouts". I had been living away from home 2008-20016, and before that but 2008 was the last time I'd moved out.

      5. Yes

      6. Maybe from a professional, but not it seems from me. I have searched for autistic solicitors, autism-friendly solicitors, and so on but they are few and far between it seems.

      Does this help?


      • #4
        Originally posted by JustAThought View Post

        What can you do?
        I suspect a few things: my father didn't like me moving on, and he also didn't want to admit to my sister how much he'd leant me. He liked the control he thought he had over me re money, and he had a different kind of control over my sister, although also didn't want to stand up to her in terms of saying no so would let it all happen - the false accusations, the booster he didn't want.

        On one occasion when he'd put another £6k in the account he said he was surprised there was money left in the account, which was another reason I question this sudden turnaround to apparently not knowing anything about all of this. It really is amazing how he would tell me one thing and her another.


        • #5
          ...but then when I emailed her last year about all this and the booster situation she said I shouldn't be getting into accusing people of things to which I replied WTF as that's precisely what they'd done to me. A friend bumped into her in town not long after it happened and asked her about it because I didn't turn up to the meal we'd organised and she told him that I'd "stolen all dad's money and is gonna go to prison". I think she may be a bit more nuts than I apparently am... and she's 6 years older than me. She owns her own ex-council house whereas I have nothing, so it's not that she doesn't have any assets, and she's always alleged I got treated differently/better than her but I don't see that, she had help with her house. Anyways, I'd rather it all just be behind us but I do also feel I should stand up for myself too.
          Last edited by Jason58; 19th July 2024, 19:11:PM.


          • #6
            Hi Jason58
            Welcome to LB
            You are correct, as more than 6 months has passed since probate it is now too late to make a claim for reasonable financial provision under the Inheritance Act
            However it is not too late to challenge the validity of the will
            Your father changed his will 9 months before he died, after you had been falsley accused of "stealing" his money to spend on yourself, which you say you had his permission to spend.
            Falsely accusing someone, particularly a carer or close relative can be a sign of early dementia. This happened to me with my father-in-law. When my wife pointed out I would never do this, he became most upset but couldn't bring himself to apologise. I understood, and continued to help out gardening. His mental condition deteriorated further.
            Under the latest will your sister is going to inherit significantly more than you after being your father's carer for less time than you were his carer.
            It might be possible to prove your sister coerced your father into changing his will, perhaps by repeating the false accusations of stealing
            You stated you believe a solicitor would charge £750 to listen or read the brief facts of your claim and provide initial advice
            You should search the internet for contentious probate solicitors and make contact with a few
            If a solicitor considers you have a strong claim you may be offered a no win no fee agreement. You should ask them about insurance to cover the defendant's legal costs should your claim be unsuccessful


            • #7
              Originally posted by Pezza54 View Post
              Hi Jason58
              Welcome to LB
              Thanks, happy to have found this fab resource!

              Originally posted by Pezza54 View Post
              You are correct, as more than 6 months has passed since probate it is now too late to make a claim for reasonable financial provision under the Inheritance Act
              Yes, and as I had already moved out I didn't think it would be a strong case either.

              Originally posted by Pezza54 View Post
              However it is not too late to challenge the validity of the will
              Yes, as I understand it there is no time limit for that.

              Originally posted by Pezza54 View Post
              Your father changed his will 9 months before he died, after you had been falsley accused of "stealing" his money to spend on yourself, which you say you had his permission to spend.
              Yes, and only a month after I'd been falsely accused.

              Originally posted by Pezza54 View Post
              Falsely accusing someone, particularly a carer or close relative can be a sign of early dementia. This happened to me with my father-in-law. When my wife pointed out I would never do this, he became most upset but couldn't bring himself to apologise. I understood, and continued to help out gardening. His mental condition deteriorated further.
              Sorry to hear about your situation, I didn't know about the dementia link but it makes sense. It was particularly upsetting because I felt for the first time in my life there were times when we were actually getting on ok. Certainly not all the time, but there were moments. There were also a lot of bad ones too.

              Originally posted by Pezza54 View Post
              Under the latest will your sister is going to inherit significantly more than you after being your father's carer for less time than you were his carer.
              Well yeah, she only had him for that week though, then he was back at his place. I think she did his food shopping online for him.

              As the will stands, yes, it's all going to her bar the 30k for me, the 50k for my nephew and the 20k for my mother. I was under the impression she would then split the money when the house is sold but she won't confirm that and to be honest I think I'm silly to think she will given what happened and how naive I realise I am. But I may be wrong, I dunno. I guess I could wait until it's sold and see what happens as there's no time limit, I guess I will have to consider that. At the moment I'm more annoyed there's no movement and there's money being lost and with just a relatively small investment in the property it could sell for a lot more than I believe it will do. Not sure what I can do about that though.

              Originally posted by Pezza54 View Post
              It might be possible to prove your sister coerced your father into changing his will, perhaps by repeating the false accusations of stealing
              Well as mentioned I also don't know if it's a genuine thing as we did talk about it changing to take into consideration what I'd borrowed which is fair enough, but then I was accused of a lot more than that. Without knowing what was the previous version I don't know - I also don't know if the previous version would be provided if taken to court or if it exists, this is probably the information that would help so we know what changed. I would like to think it was just adjusted but because I'm not getting any answers I don't know whether I am going to get what I was always promised and she's just being controlling making me sweat or whether it's a genuine grab everything she can. I thought I knew people, especially those who I thought were my family, but I've learned that I don't. I stayed as long as I did because I thought helping family is what you do, like you I continued and probably should've just got the hell outta dodge earlier, but that's not me. I appreciated the help I had, even though I realise I was mentally abused daily.

              Originally posted by Pezza54 View Post
              You stated you believe a solicitor would charge £750 to listen or read the brief facts of your claim and provide initial advice
              You should search the internet for contentious probate solicitors and make contact with a few
              If a solicitor considers you have a strong claim you may be offered a no win no fee agreement.
              Thanks yes I know I will need to do more searching - didn't know about the term "contentious probate solicitors" so that's helpful. I've seen the no win no fee, I was worried about the potential higher cost of that but it seems that's going to be the only possible way unless I'm very successful in business soon!

              Originally posted by Pezza54 View Post
              You should ask them about insurance to cover the defendant's legal costs should your claim be unsuccessful
              Ah, that's interesting, I didn't know about that - I guess it's good because then they wouldn't take it on unless they were pretty confident about winning.

              Thanks for this, really helpful info!


              • #8
                What is the evidence of undue influence?
                Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

                Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


                • #9
                  Originally posted by atticus View Post
                  What is the evidence of undue influence?
                  Well since the mention of early onset dementia with regards to the allegations made I'm not so sure - I've attached the medical records with lots blanked out but shows he declined the booster but then it was administered and a few days later (see timeline in my OP) he was gone.

                  It feasibly could've been the surgery from the influenza one but it was the 3rd msg & he'd said to me he didn't want any of them but of course that's hearsay.

                  My thoughts were that because it all changed so quickly - I mean, for months he'd been putting more money into the account he'd given me access to, and as mentioned even commented that he was surprised there was still some left the previous time as thought I would've spent it all. I've pictures of the new bike in the house, my sister had seen it, and so on. I guess the early onset dementia makes the most sense, however, then that could mean the changes to the will that were made a month after the accusations were made could be questioned in terms of mental capacity. As far as I'm aware the witnesses weren't known to my father, they were connected with the solicitors who are the executioners working on behalf of my sister as far as I can tell.

                  Click image for larger version

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                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by atticus View Post
                    What is the evidence of undue influence?
                    ...my current instinct / gut feeling is because there is no time limit on contesting the validity of the will the most sensible thing would be to wait until the property is sold and see what happens. Unless you know different?


                    • #11
                      I suggest that if you are going to do anything, you should do it with the minimum of delay.
                      Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

                      Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


                      • #12
                        Hmm... not sure if that image is showing properly so here's the text showing him declining both shots then being given them a week later. Unable to drive himself there so sure, could've changed his mind, but with the turnaround of events previously and quick change of will thereafter it looked suspicious.

                        17 Nov 2022 - Note - no reply on phone.
                        15 Nov 2022 - Vaccination - Adjuvanted quadrivalent flu vacc (SA, inact) inj 0.5ml pfs (Seqirus UK Ltd) 1 1dose
                        15 Nov 2022 - Coded entry - Seasonal influenza vaccination given by pharmacist (XaZY)
                        15 Nov 2022 - Vaccination - Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.1 COVID-19 Vacc md vials Booster 0.3ml
                        15 Nov 2022 - Coded entry - Immunisation course to maintain protection against SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) (Y265)
                        10 Nov 2022 - Coded entry - Influenza vaccination invitation 3rd SMS text message sent (XaXja)
                        07 Nov 2022 - Coded entry - Influenza vaccination declined (XalBI)
                        07 Nov 2022 - Coded entry - SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) protection maintenance course declined (Y2efc)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by atticus View Post
                          I suggest that if you are going to do anything, you should do it with the minimum of delay.
                          OK thanks


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