I have a caveat in place and expecting a warning or appearance to be raised. Where will this come from and in what form (registered post , email, normal post)
Could this cause the caveat to be removed without my knowledge?
solicitor who drafted will is also the executor and concerned they will raise one and not tell me. I’ve asked them as executor to request information but I’ve not heard back since sent in October.
Thinking of asking them to stand down given their involvement . They will probably call on them as witness if goes to court
i have justified reasons for the caveat
I have a caveat in place and expecting a warning or appearance to be raised. Where will this come from and in what form (registered post , email, normal post)
Could this cause the caveat to be removed without my knowledge?
solicitor who drafted will is also the executor and concerned they will raise one and not tell me. I’ve asked them as executor to request information but I’ve not heard back since sent in October.
Thinking of asking them to stand down given their involvement . They will probably call on them as witness if goes to court
i have justified reasons for the caveat