My Daughters Grandmother made a will which has been granted probate.
Her Father died years ago but her Grandmothers will includes him as an equal share the same as his other 3 siblings ie; it passes to his 2 children.
In her Will it states ‘house legacy’ and names only one of the siblings.
Her residual estate is to be shared in equal amounts between the 3 siblings (Daughters deceased Dad being one ).
Everything has already gone and been taken by the eldest Daughter… Her car , the entire content of the house etc all gone before she even applied for Probate which was granted last week almost 12 months after the Grandmothers death.
Is there something I could be overlooking with regards my Daughter getting anything at all ?
Many thanks
My Daughters Grandmother made a will which has been granted probate.
Her Father died years ago but her Grandmothers will includes him as an equal share the same as his other 3 siblings ie; it passes to his 2 children.
In her Will it states ‘house legacy’ and names only one of the siblings.
Her residual estate is to be shared in equal amounts between the 3 siblings (Daughters deceased Dad being one ).
Everything has already gone and been taken by the eldest Daughter… Her car , the entire content of the house etc all gone before she even applied for Probate which was granted last week almost 12 months after the Grandmothers death.
Is there something I could be overlooking with regards my Daughter getting anything at all ?
Many thanks