I need to lodge a complaint against the Police for not conducting a proper investigation. The officers also claimed to have searched for witness' and alleged perpetrators and claimed only relatives could be found and a few others. They only bothered to do the investigations mostly over the phone at least for some.
As Police lied in a tribunal and they were not under oath they cannot be prosecuted here in Scotland. However I can prove that they lied about their investigation and also a complaint against them was subsequently carried out and the investigating officer agreed that the officers investigating lied.
I was not informed of the correct process to follow so I need to know the wording as I have been advised to complain again. the case being investigated is about child sex abuse.
I am going to make the complaint soon and I need the wording to be correct. Also the Police investigating the Police asked to settle the matter privately, despite the serious nature of the crime being reported.
can anyone advice me on how to word my complaint against the police who lied and did not bother to investigate people responsible for child sex abuse with violence and drugs.