Consumers who enter into regulated hire purchase or conditional sale contracts under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (the CCA 1974) are afforded certain rights and remedies. One of those rights, is the ability to terminate the agreement at any time before the final payment under the contract becomes due. This is known as voluntary termination which has been around for 25 years and applies to any form of goods under a hire purchase or conditional sale contract.

The purpose of this guide is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of your rights under the CCA 1974 through a mixture of the legislation itself, court decisions and any other relevant guidance.

Please note that the guide is a 'living' document, meaning that it will be updated as and when I consider it necessary. If there is anything in the guide that you feel is missing, feel free to message me and give me some suggestions.

It is also advised you read the Legal Stuff section first and foremost

Update (17/0/2020) it looks like a lot of people are struggling to download the PDF and may be getting error messages or blank pages. I have added an alternative link accessible through dropbox: click here
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