Hi , after some advice , recieved a congestion charge fine , the fine is not mine as in the vehicle on the photo is a ford transit van , mine is a peugeot partner and mine is tracked and was over 200miles away from the said congestion zone at the time , the registration plate in thr photo is blured on one letter , mine is a W the one in the photo is a blured X , guess what X put in on dvla site is a ford transist van , just wondering if i have any claim against bristol council for being wrongly issued one , (easily proved for myself ) stress , time to gather my evidence or even just a letter of apology etc , should I let them take it further to teach them to do the job professionally as I have to with my own job , or just send them my evidence , although I feel they havent done there job very well so far ,as it was quite obvious to me from the photos that the van comitting the breach is a ford from the badge in the photo , they ve put it down as unknown
thanks Curly
thanks Curly