Hi there I recieved a parking fine from euro car parks Dec 22, where I paid for parking with proof of payment on bank statement and a ticket unfortunately the car reg didn't register on machine which I believe was the machines fault. I appealed this and they wanted a further £20 pound reduced cost which on principle refused to pay (which I wished I had now) the fine went back up and got passed to another debt company, which I wrote to telling them I'm not willing to pay and do not contact me again unless they where willing to go to court, so i can prove my case
it then went to zzps which I ignored and now to QDR solicitors for £170 which has made me realy uneasy and worried.
do i ignore this letter or reply back stating im willing to go to court and stop harrasng me, to be honest i realy dont want to think about a court case do i go back to euro car parks ...i just feel reaky harassed now.
it then went to zzps which I ignored and now to QDR solicitors for £170 which has made me realy uneasy and worried.
do i ignore this letter or reply back stating im willing to go to court and stop harrasng me, to be honest i realy dont want to think about a court case do i go back to euro car parks ...i just feel reaky harassed now.