Hi, I'm here on behalf of my mother who was issued a PCN for overstaying in Haven Banks retail park carpark (Exeter - so England rather than NI), operated by Smart Parking. I'd received a PCN at the same carpark a year ago and went down the advised route of not disclosing the name of the driver and stating the reasons why the fine was invalid and, fortunately, it was waived. However, like KARABASH's original post, my mum had moved house and not updated her address and so the first she knew of the alledged offence (02/08/18) was the DRP Ltd letter demanding £160 which she received well past the appeal date after having finally updated the registered address of the car. My mum gave me the notice but said my brother had called DRP who naturally didn't want to know. She wasn't sure what he said, but I have a feeling my brother probably let them know who was driving, however I still went to the appeals page of Smart Parking and sent them the same letter I'd used myself , adding that Smart Parking had no evidence visible to my mum detailing how much time had been paid for - my mother swears she paid the full amount and was back in time, she was certainly exited within two hours (1 hour 59 minutes according to the in and out times) but I can't state for certain she paid the correct amount - but the timing certainly suggests that she thought she'd paid for two hours. Smart Parking has responded, or rather DRP has, simply stating that she overstayed and the PCN was correctly and legitimately issued as a result. She now has until 23/10 to pay the £160.
Advice gratefully received please...
Advice gratefully received please...