I recently received a PCN from UKPC. On the day that I parked, the meter was not working with an A4 note cello-taped on saying "Notice No Coins Accepted Pay by Phone only".
I appealed and they replied to say that the signage advises drivers that a valid payment may be made through the mobile app Park Mobile.
Identity of the driver has not been given to the parking company.
Can you advise which forum to use for my question?
Thanks in advance
I recently received a PCN from UKPC. On the day that I parked, the meter was not working with an A4 note cello-taped on saying "Notice No Coins Accepted Pay by Phone only".
I appealed and they replied to say that the signage advises drivers that a valid payment may be made through the mobile app Park Mobile.
Identity of the driver has not been given to the parking company.
Can you advise which forum to use for my question?
Thanks in advance