Sorry must have missed the post.
You acknowledge the claim using the details and password on the claim form. Nothing in the defence. Do this after, but close to day 5 after issue. This gives you 33 days from date of issue to get your defence to court.
Search around for suitable parking defences.
You complain about the unclear particulars of claim, ie what was the alleged breach and are they acting against the keeper or the driver.
You have a read of this case. And work it into your defence about the abuse of process etc.
If they are still claiming the failing to pay within 10 minutes then bring up the fact that the sign says noting about this.
CPR 31.14 request to DCBL requesting the PCN and copies of the signs alleged to create the contract to park
SAR to One Parking.
You acknowledge the claim using the details and password on the claim form. Nothing in the defence. Do this after, but close to day 5 after issue. This gives you 33 days from date of issue to get your defence to court.
Search around for suitable parking defences.
You complain about the unclear particulars of claim, ie what was the alleged breach and are they acting against the keeper or the driver.
You have a read of this case. And work it into your defence about the abuse of process etc.
If they are still claiming the failing to pay within 10 minutes then bring up the fact that the sign says noting about this.
CPR 31.14 request to DCBL requesting the PCN and copies of the signs alleged to create the contract to park
SAR to One Parking.