Re: Severe Mental Impairment - Liable Person
When you have finished your bickering I would value your views on this. :tinysmile_twink_t2: I hadn't paid enough attention to Example C. It makes the person diagnosed SMI liable.
Example C
Husband and wife live together in their property. The wife is severely mentally impaired and is the sole owner of their home. They will be jointly liable to pay the council tax bill. In this case the bill will be reduced by the single person discount (25%) as only the husband will be counted.
This massively weakens my argument I believe.
Could someone please tell me what this means in plain English, it's getting late and my brain is a little addled?
"3. Where there are two or more second adults residing with the applicant and any of those second adults falls to be disregarded for the purposes of discount in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Act(1), that second adult’s income is to be disregarded in determining the amount of any alternative maximum council tax reduction, unless that second adult is a member of a couple and the other partner does not fall to be disregarded for the purposes of discount."
Does it mean that the second is deemed to have no income?
When you have finished your bickering I would value your views on this. :tinysmile_twink_t2: I hadn't paid enough attention to Example C. It makes the person diagnosed SMI liable.
Example C
Husband and wife live together in their property. The wife is severely mentally impaired and is the sole owner of their home. They will be jointly liable to pay the council tax bill. In this case the bill will be reduced by the single person discount (25%) as only the husband will be counted.
This massively weakens my argument I believe.
Could someone please tell me what this means in plain English, it's getting late and my brain is a little addled?
"3. Where there are two or more second adults residing with the applicant and any of those second adults falls to be disregarded for the purposes of discount in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Act(1), that second adult’s income is to be disregarded in determining the amount of any alternative maximum council tax reduction, unless that second adult is a member of a couple and the other partner does not fall to be disregarded for the purposes of discount."
Does it mean that the second is deemed to have no income?