Hello all,
I have asked my local VOA for a band review on my flat (from band E to D ). Based on the logic that the property has been overvalued ( I couldn't put forward a proposal as it doesn't fit the legal criteria for one, moved in within 6months etc.)
The letter I received stated that they are happy with the current valuation and consider it to be correct! although every single property valuer has stated that it is over valued. These are a few below.
Zoopla.co.uk £194,511
Property Price Advice - Property price valuations online £175,000 - £205,000
UK's number one property website for properties for sale and to rent £230,000
Land Registry - Land Registry £229,112
For my flat to be in Band E it would have to be over £257, 500
From these figure I then used the following websites to calculate what it would be in 1991 /Q2
House Prices home page
Council Tax Review Calculator
I have not been given a reason as to why they rejected these valuations and can only assume they are trying to save money.
I live in a block of flats whereas all 60 except for 2 are in Band E. If they are to refund me would this mean they would have to do it for the whole block.
I have been told that you cannot appeal a review to a VOA tribunal because only a proposal can be challenged. Is there a way I can appeal this through the courts.
Thank you in advance for anyone who can help.
I have asked my local VOA for a band review on my flat (from band E to D ). Based on the logic that the property has been overvalued ( I couldn't put forward a proposal as it doesn't fit the legal criteria for one, moved in within 6months etc.)
The letter I received stated that they are happy with the current valuation and consider it to be correct! although every single property valuer has stated that it is over valued. These are a few below.
Zoopla.co.uk £194,511
Property Price Advice - Property price valuations online £175,000 - £205,000
UK's number one property website for properties for sale and to rent £230,000
Land Registry - Land Registry £229,112
For my flat to be in Band E it would have to be over £257, 500
From these figure I then used the following websites to calculate what it would be in 1991 /Q2
House Prices home page
Council Tax Review Calculator
I have not been given a reason as to why they rejected these valuations and can only assume they are trying to save money.
I live in a block of flats whereas all 60 except for 2 are in Band E. If they are to refund me would this mean they would have to do it for the whole block.
I have been told that you cannot appeal a review to a VOA tribunal because only a proposal can be challenged. Is there a way I can appeal this through the courts.
Thank you in advance for anyone who can help.