In April 2009 I started a claim for compensation for mortgage miss selling. The claim was always made against the authorising network but unfortunately they have now gone into liquidation. The FSCS investigated the complaint but did not uphold it.
What I would like to know is whether it is possible to complain to the broker themselves rather than the authorising network? Surely the broker should still be held accountable and liable? I believe the FSCS dismissed the claim because they did not want to set a precedent and if I still hav any form of redress with the broker I may still be able to use FOS or county court claim under section 150 of FSMA 2000.
Thanks in advance.
What I would like to know is whether it is possible to complain to the broker themselves rather than the authorising network? Surely the broker should still be held accountable and liable? I believe the FSCS dismissed the claim because they did not want to set a precedent and if I still hav any form of redress with the broker I may still be able to use FOS or county court claim under section 150 of FSMA 2000.
Thanks in advance.