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Malicious email/police

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  • Malicious email/police

    Police knocked my door last night, asking for my son (19). He has never been in trouble with the police before and him and I went to the station.
    Around a year ago a video had been circulating of a friends sister doing various things on a webcam site, at the time of said video she was approx 26.
    A friend of my sons had randly found it on an adult video site. This video was sent to various other friends until it was sent to my son. He didn't think it was funny and wanted to let his friend know that a video had been circulating of his sister, but didnt have the heart to tell him directly.

    In hindsight he went about this the wrong way but he did what he thought was best at the time and sent the video, anonymously to the friend. His IP was tracked and now the police are involved. He explained to the police in detail that he only did it to let the friend know but didnt want to get directly involved. He has had his iphone and ipad taken by the police for forensic evidence. The solicitor said the case could take months if not over a year to be looked in to as the current backlog and staff issues mean things do not get dealt with swiftly.

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  • #2
    Indeed, he went about it the wrong way and presumably is now being investigated as to whether there was intent to cause distress.

    Did he send a message with the video at all which showed his intent was to inform not to distress ?

    Is this related to this http://legalbeagles.info/forums/foru...-with-facebook at all ? If not the thread might have some useful information in.

    Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

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    • #3
      Similar to that other post. He didnt send the video, just a clip (still).


      • #4
        No message ? " This is going around as a video thought you should know so you can do something about it " type thing ?

        Without a message he's just anonymously sent a nude (presumably) pic of his mates sister to him without any context.

        Unfortunately he'll just have to go through the Police investigation, if he is called in for further interview he should take advantage of the duty solicitor.

        Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

        Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


        • #5
          Yes, sorry should of said, there was a message with it, thought you should see what is going around about your sister


          • #6
            Good, that should help

            All you can do is wait and see what happens and deal with it as it does I'm afraid. Is he okay otherwise? and has he talked to his friend about it and explained ? Does he have, and has he disclosed, where the video was sent to him from?


            Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

            Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


            • #7
              He wanted to talk to his friend but the police advised not to. The friend is very angry. He asked the police to pass a message on to said friend about how utterly sorry he is and he is devastated about how this has panned out etc. The police asked him where the video came from and he has disclosed to them who sent it him.


              • #8
                I really can't see this going anywhere except to cause stress and discomfort to you and your family.

                Firstly was the picture "a message which is indecent or grossly offensive"
                secondly was the purpose to " cause distress or anxiety to the recipient"

                The message seems to me to fail on both counts so I cannot imagine the CPS allowing it to go further than warning your son to be more careful.

                Not only that, but would the recipient's family support any legal action as , even with anonymity, word would get around and give more publicity to the video.
                Once on the net>>>>>


                • #9
                  ^ for some reason my password wouldnt work so had to re register. The picture was indecent. It was sent not to cause stress but to prove it was on the website and not just a joke email etc


                  • #10
                    It is likely that your son received this multiple handed, so the forensic analysis of the devices is to aid determine the source as ultimately that person is engaging in "revenge porn."

                    The image was indecent, but the purpose was not to "cause distress or anxiety to the recipient" and in fact was the opposite, it was intended to inform them to take action to prevent any "distress or anxiety."

                    I can't see the CPS would charge for this as it would not serve in the public interest as well as failing the test.

                    It'll be a long drawn out process unfortunately and you'll just need to wait it running it's course.

                    My posts here are based on my experience of a variety of life events. I have no formal legal training & if in doubt take professional legal advice or contact CAB. If you follow anything I write here you do so at your own risk & I accept no liability for any loss, costs or other outcomes.

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