Me and my ex partner have been separated for 7months, and things go very up and down with communication. It's causes a lot of distress my end. He's now gone too far, accusing me of using drugs and being an unfit mother, and threatening to report me to social services. I've decided the best thing to do is go to court to sort out a set day/days that he can see out daughter. I've never once stopped him from seeing her. He usually has her once a week for about 5hours. I don't believe this to be enough and push for it to be more, but he doesn't seem interested. He refuses to get a set day off a week at work, and normally let's me know at most, 2 days before he wants to see her and kicks off if we already have plans. I just want stability and routine for my daughter. We seem to be unable to communicate without arguing about our relationship. He won't let go of grievances from it.
Would be grateful for any advice anyone can give me.
Would be grateful for any advice anyone can give me.