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  • #31
    Re: Bereavement

    I bet she isn't


    • #32
      Re: Bereavement

      I have to admit to a stake in this Swifty. We have a son with learning disabilities - and now he is adult we are not able to protect him as parents except through the Court of Protection (because of his human rights lol). We have to watch his carers - and the intervening professionals - like hawks. Most of the carers are just that - really kind and caring people. But - they are very low paid and it's apparently a bit of a long running joke in the job centres that if you can't get any other job "you can always be a carer". My son would give anyone anything and do anything for anyone without question if he were in that frame of mind...so any bad apples with access to vulnerable people really REALLY need their come-uppance


      • #33
        Re: Bereavement

        Sorry Swifty - that was a bit off your thread. If there is anything I can do/say/research to help I really want to. Just say.


        • #34
          Re: Bereavement

          I totally agree, I really can't abide people who steal and have very little sympathy towards them.
          Growing up my younger brother stole all the time, from my parents, grandparents and even breaking into houses but because I was the eldest I always got accused and punished for the thefts and even after proving that I was innocent all I got was "well being the eldest you should have known better" I have never forgiven my father for all the beatings he put me through but most of all not one apology, it seemed my brother got away with murder and I was punished for his misgivings.
          So yeah! for obvious reasons I have a very large dislike towards thieves


          • #35
            Re: Bereavement

            fwiw:_tighthug__by_darkmSwifty - that is really tough x


            • #36
              Re: Bereavement

              I look at it that it's made me a better person with good morals


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