As per previous posts, my Partner and I are currently going through a residency application for his 9 year old son which is anything but amicable. We have a long (and I mean longgg) list of her "faults", however her only disclosed reason for disputing our residency claim is that my Partner is/was a "violent drunk". My Partner very seldom drinks, and if and when he has a few too many, he is a loving drunk - everyone is his friend, there is no violence at all, quite the opposite. We have to file witness statements for our next hearing, and we have been told that her witness is her 20 year old son (not my Partners), we know that he will have to lie if he is going to give evidence, as my partner is not and never has been violent (drunk or otherwise). My query is .... do we have to prove that he ISN'T this horrible violent drunk they are going to try to portray him as, or does she have to prove he IS? We can call on her daughter (21 years old) who is happy to give evidence that my Partner was never violent (he brought 3 of her kids up for 9 years) She won't have anything to do with her Mum who was actually the violent one (beating her so severley at one point it took my Partner and her brother to drag her Mum off her) but we would rather not have to bring her into this if we can help it.