No training to perform role, no management support.
Re: No training to perform role, no management support.
Yes their is a statutory duty on employers by way of risk assessments and safe systems of work that employees are adequately trained in assigned duties
You may have to submit an official grievance to get any action though
You need to remember if you have not been trained on something and are aware of that fact in carrying out that task and have an accident, you will be partly blamed and impacts on any compensation award for personal injury
In other words you need a paper trail
Re: No training to perform role, no management support.
Hi [MENTION=74960]Karla8[/MENTION] - please can you tell us what kind of work you do, and what kind of training you require?
I think the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations is something of a longshot without knowing more about your role. Regulation 3 is concerned with health and safety risk assessments, and providing adequate training to mitigate health and safety risks. This could be applicable if, for example, you work with heavy machinery. However, if, for example, you work in the office and you haven't been trained to follow a new process, or use a new piece of software, these Regulations are likely to be irrelevant.
As you've been advised already, if your requests are being ignored, it may be necessary for you to raise a formal grievance. Have you requested this training formally, in writing?Disclaimer: I am not a qualified solicitor. Nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for professional legal advice. As legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and laws are constantly changing, you should seek professional legal advice before acting upon any opinion, advice or information provided herein.
Re: No training to perform role, no management support.
Article 2 Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
2 General duties of employers to their employees.
(1)It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees.
Regulation 10 Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations ALSO cover this
Re: No training to perform role, no management support.
Training issues
a definitive description of your job role
Made to feel second rate just because you asked for help
Best put on a sheet of paper everything that is making you unhappy at work.
Then try and organise them into paragraphs that follow each other
Basically you need some sort of introduction as to your complaint
Descriptors of your complaint
what procedures you propose or wish to rectify the complaint
And finally a conclusion
Re: No training to perform role, no management support.
[MENTION=74960]Karla8[/MENTION] - just to clarify, are you a driver who has also taken on the duties of an administrator?
Health and safety legislation only places an obligation on employers to provide training where a lack of training may pose a health and safety risk, i.e. using dangerous equipment.
I agree that you do need to raise a formal grievance. You could base it on a breach of the implied duty of trust and confidence. You might also be able to argue that your employer's actions (or inactions) have prevented you from fulfilling your implied duty to exercise reasonable skill.Disclaimer: I am not a qualified solicitor. Nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for professional legal advice. As legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and laws are constantly changing, you should seek professional legal advice before acting upon any opinion, advice or information provided herein.
Re: No training to perform role, no management support.
Health and Safety legislaton is not just the physical welfare of its employees, but also the psycological and any trauma inflicted on the employee such as stress related complications brought on by the employer.
It is even a recognised medical condition by the Minstry of Defence with PTSD
The legislation is about putting in statutory control measures to limit ALL possible harm to the employee and those not in his employ through acts or omissions
Lack of training and performance management techniques are prime examples
It is not so much the stress that is the issue, in fact a little stress can be beneficial, but what that work place sustained stress can develop into over time such as self harm, suicidal tendencies and alcoholism as examples
The second biggest killer in the 17-25 age group is stress relatedLast edited by judgemental24; 9th November 2015, 11:52:AM.
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