My partner has been dismissed today (With 4 weeks notice) for Gross negligence with the reason that she cannot be trusted to carry out her job.
She works in an accounts department and recently they have been the victim of professional scammers. The value lost through the scam was £50k across 2 x transactions.
The scam was carried out by someone hacking a suppliers email account and requesting a change of bank details for future payments. Which ultimately my partner made the changes on the company system and said money was paid to what later became apparent was a scammers account and not the actual suppliers.
Key points are:
There is no company process or procedure for carrying out a change of bank details.
Any payment has '2 factor sign off' therefore my partner 'creates' the payment but her line manager is then meant to check all details and if happy confirm it.
I have a detailed timeline of events that we put together for her to support a grievance she raised about the treatment of her and the handling of the incident overall - Would it be worth me posting it? (It's quite hefty).
My partner has immediately secured another (Higher paid) Job who are fully aware of what has happened so I suppose that is a silver lining.
Any help would be appreciated she has been at the company 18 months. would this exclude any claim for unfair dismissal? any other avenues?