Hi, excuse me if I'm in the wrong place but this my first post and I'm looking for some advice...
I recently applied online for a new position which had the advertised working pattern as 'Full-time, Part-time, Job share and Flexi hours'.
In my interview I mentioned that I would be interested in part-time hours as I have caring resposibilities, I was told this wouldn't be an issue.
When one of the women walked me out she told me to stand my ground when it comes to the part time hours, I asked what she meant and she just said it can be a bot difficult to get the hours you want sometimes.
I have since received a provisional offer of employment with I accepted and sent of my details ready for my reference and DBS checks etc.
A lady called shortly afterwards to discuss things like dress code, what location I'd been given, annual leave etc and I asked when I would get confirmation of what hours I would get. She took a note of my ideal and said she would confirm with the office I'd be assigned to and would then come back to me.
She called the following day and said they no longer had part-time hours available so I had 2 options - I could go onto a reserve list for 3 months in case another position comes up even though nothing would change in terms of the hours they needed or I could go online and withdraw my application.
I'm absolutely gutted, I've waited a long time for this particular position to come up and now it's been taken away from me.
I've not withdrawn my application but I also don't want to put my current role at risk by having reference checks come through before I've had a chance to pre-warn my boss.
I have sent an email of complaint as if the job was advertised as full-time I wouldn't have applied in the first place, let alone spent hours writing up competencies, doing online tests and preparing for an interview!
Do I have a leg to stand on with regards to appealing the decision or are they within their rights to do this?
My provisional offer states that it is subject to satisfactory pre-employment checks, no mention of hours etc.
Thank you
I recently applied online for a new position which had the advertised working pattern as 'Full-time, Part-time, Job share and Flexi hours'.
In my interview I mentioned that I would be interested in part-time hours as I have caring resposibilities, I was told this wouldn't be an issue.
When one of the women walked me out she told me to stand my ground when it comes to the part time hours, I asked what she meant and she just said it can be a bot difficult to get the hours you want sometimes.
I have since received a provisional offer of employment with I accepted and sent of my details ready for my reference and DBS checks etc.
A lady called shortly afterwards to discuss things like dress code, what location I'd been given, annual leave etc and I asked when I would get confirmation of what hours I would get. She took a note of my ideal and said she would confirm with the office I'd be assigned to and would then come back to me.
She called the following day and said they no longer had part-time hours available so I had 2 options - I could go onto a reserve list for 3 months in case another position comes up even though nothing would change in terms of the hours they needed or I could go online and withdraw my application.
I'm absolutely gutted, I've waited a long time for this particular position to come up and now it's been taken away from me.
I've not withdrawn my application but I also don't want to put my current role at risk by having reference checks come through before I've had a chance to pre-warn my boss.
I have sent an email of complaint as if the job was advertised as full-time I wouldn't have applied in the first place, let alone spent hours writing up competencies, doing online tests and preparing for an interview!
Do I have a leg to stand on with regards to appealing the decision or are they within their rights to do this?
My provisional offer states that it is subject to satisfactory pre-employment checks, no mention of hours etc.
Thank you