My partner works for a large company. She had a bit of a personality clash with her old manager and tried to just get on with her work and not get in the office politics nonsense. The manager took several (what her manager called) "informal disiplinary actions" against her, otherwise known as a 1-2-1 slagging off session. I advised my partner to stop accepting these meeting without a neutral 3rd party coing which she conveyed to the manager who then went to a formal disiplinary procedure. This consisted of a HR rep, the manager and my partner. The HR rep halted the disiplinary about 15 minutes into the hearing, stopped any disipinary action and the manager eventually ended up with a formal verbal warning for the continued targeting of my partner with no reason.
Thankfully the manager got a job at a competitor in a higher role and left, in the resulting interviews for a new manager my partner was promoted. This resulted in the old manager's pet who also went for the role getting upset.
Now my partner has taken over she's found out that the old manager has been texting, emailing and phoning the director and other higher ups in the department to complain about my partner being totally incapable of the job and telling them to remove her (this has been shown to my partner by the director and senior management who don't intend to take any action and are pretty annoyed with the old manager for this). It has also resulted in the old manager's pet sending in numerous grievances to the director, which read very much like the old manager's words by proxy (again even the director has commented on this fact).
What legally can be done about this? It would seem to me like a clear case of harassment. Luckily the company is having none of it and knows what the old manager is like. We just want them to leave my partner alone and mind their own business.
Thankfully the manager got a job at a competitor in a higher role and left, in the resulting interviews for a new manager my partner was promoted. This resulted in the old manager's pet who also went for the role getting upset.
Now my partner has taken over she's found out that the old manager has been texting, emailing and phoning the director and other higher ups in the department to complain about my partner being totally incapable of the job and telling them to remove her (this has been shown to my partner by the director and senior management who don't intend to take any action and are pretty annoyed with the old manager for this). It has also resulted in the old manager's pet sending in numerous grievances to the director, which read very much like the old manager's words by proxy (again even the director has commented on this fact).
What legally can be done about this? It would seem to me like a clear case of harassment. Luckily the company is having none of it and knows what the old manager is like. We just want them to leave my partner alone and mind their own business.