Hi - did post in the general consumer forum but then seen this Letter Before Action section. Diana M has kindly given some advice but I'm still a bit lost.
I have received a letter from PRA Group informing me that an account has been transferred to the investigations and Litigation Department. They say it is a letter before claim as required by the Pre-Action conduct & protocols contained in the Civil Procedures Rule, and constitutes a formal demand for payment and to give notice of PRA Group's intention to issue Court proceedings against me. I've previously sent in a CCA and they returned my £1 postal order along with a 1 page form that isn't signed anywhere. I have scans of these if that will help.
Is the threat real? They sent a similar letter in September but this one follows up with a reply form and a request for details of my financial situation, saying I have 30 days to return the completed form or it could result in Court proceedings.
They returned the £1 CCA fee does that mean anything? They haven't supplied any SIGNED DOCUMENTS or details of the DEBT TRANSFER to themselves, just a "SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION YOU SENT US THAT FORMS THE BASIS OF YOUR CREDIT AGREEMENT" and a summary of some of the payments made to Moorcroft.
I believe it's from a Halifax credit card - assigned previsouly to Moorcroft - I was paying Moorcroft through Stepchange up to a point, but personal circumstances meant I could no longer manage the monthly payments and since then it's moved to PRA. The last payment I made was June 2016.
Any advice and help greatly appreciated, I'm not sure what my next steps should be. I believe they haven't sent me enough proof in reply to my CCA, and as stated above, they also didn't accept the payment for that information.
I have received a letter from PRA Group informing me that an account has been transferred to the investigations and Litigation Department. They say it is a letter before claim as required by the Pre-Action conduct & protocols contained in the Civil Procedures Rule, and constitutes a formal demand for payment and to give notice of PRA Group's intention to issue Court proceedings against me. I've previously sent in a CCA and they returned my £1 postal order along with a 1 page form that isn't signed anywhere. I have scans of these if that will help.
Is the threat real? They sent a similar letter in September but this one follows up with a reply form and a request for details of my financial situation, saying I have 30 days to return the completed form or it could result in Court proceedings.
They returned the £1 CCA fee does that mean anything? They haven't supplied any SIGNED DOCUMENTS or details of the DEBT TRANSFER to themselves, just a "SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION YOU SENT US THAT FORMS THE BASIS OF YOUR CREDIT AGREEMENT" and a summary of some of the payments made to Moorcroft.
I believe it's from a Halifax credit card - assigned previsouly to Moorcroft - I was paying Moorcroft through Stepchange up to a point, but personal circumstances meant I could no longer manage the monthly payments and since then it's moved to PRA. The last payment I made was June 2016.
Any advice and help greatly appreciated, I'm not sure what my next steps should be. I believe they haven't sent me enough proof in reply to my CCA, and as stated above, they also didn't accept the payment for that information.