Re: ** DiScOnTinUeD ** BC/Lowell V Kelike28 ** WON **
vil-super.gifKelike I am absolutely over the moon and Ame; Once again a total star! This new legislation better go through to stop this sort of c**p in the future. As Ame said, when you read the beginning of this thread you really appreciate two things; 1 what you have gone through and 2; the difference the people on here can make. Have a drink, have lots of drinks.
vil-super.gifKelike I am absolutely over the moon and Ame; Once again a total star! This new legislation better go through to stop this sort of c**p in the future. As Ame said, when you read the beginning of this thread you really appreciate two things; 1 what you have gone through and 2; the difference the people on here can make. Have a drink, have lots of drinks.