Re: Annie62 v CABOT
Hi Nem when I phoned this afternoon the woman told me that the judge will look at it and say if they will let them have more time. I find this so hard to believe as they have caused delays every time they have had to send papers back to court. They brought this action not me surely since they started this back in nov/dec they should have all the info they needed to carry on and send to the courts. This last lot of papers were sent by my local court in the beginning of feb and I sent my things back so why have they left it until today the last day to ask for longer im so friking mad. If the judge lets them have more time theres no justice I feel he should say no to it I don't see how he can in all honesty let this go on sorry to go on I,m just so angry about it
Hi Nem when I phoned this afternoon the woman told me that the judge will look at it and say if they will let them have more time. I find this so hard to believe as they have caused delays every time they have had to send papers back to court. They brought this action not me surely since they started this back in nov/dec they should have all the info they needed to carry on and send to the courts. This last lot of papers were sent by my local court in the beginning of feb and I sent my things back so why have they left it until today the last day to ask for longer im so friking mad. If the judge lets them have more time theres no justice I feel he should say no to it I don't see how he can in all honesty let this go on sorry to go on I,m just so angry about it