Well, straight in with the questions, minutes after joining the forum, I hope someone can give me some pointers.
So, I've been burying my head in the sand for some time now, and it looks like things are catching up with me. The hard facts:
So, I've been burying my head in the sand for some time now, and it looks like things are catching up with me. The hard facts:
Received a claim? : YES
Issue Date: 18th June 2019
Have you Acknowledged the Claim?: NOT YET
Total Amount Claimed : £9800
Claimant’s Name: Cabot Financial (UK) Ltd
Solicitors Firm: Mortimer Clarke
Original Creditor: NewDay Ltd Re Marbles
Original Debt (eg. Credit card/Loan/Overdraft) : Credit Card
Particulars of Claim: By an agreement between NewDay Ltd Re Marbles & the Defendant on or around **/**/2003 ('the Agreement') NewDay Ltd Re Marbles agreed to issue the Defendant with a credit card.
The Defendant failed to make the minimum pyments due & the Agreement was terminated. The Agreement was assigned to the Claimant. THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS **** 2. Costs
Is the debt Statute Barred (have you had any contact with the creditor or claimant over the last 6 years?): Not Statute Barred, I had been doing minimum payments until about 4 years ago.
List any letters you have sent (eg: CCA/ CPR ): Sadly, I was ignoring all the letters and phone calls from Mortimer Clarke, including a Letter Before Action a couple of months ago. A couple of weeks ago, the incessant calls reached fever pitch, and I concluded action really was in the pipe. I found a letter template on the Debtline website and sent a request to Cabot for information under sections 77-79 CCA 1974 (but not to Mortimer Clark) along with a £1.00 P.O.
Some 5 days or so later, the Claim Form from Northampton County Court Business Centre, dated 18th June 2019, landed on my doormat.
Over this past weekend, a letter dated 17th June 2019 arrived from Cabot, stating they do not have the relevant info on file, so will be requesting a copy of the credit agreement and terms & conditions from my original lender as well as a statement of my account. This may take some time, but they will write within the next 12 days with an update...
Any Other Information or Background Details: I'm in no position to pay this debt, and being self-employed, my income varies wildly from month to month. Some months, I literally have nothing in my bank account, and have to rely on family charity entirely. Not the odd month either, I mean for 2 or 3 months till clients cough up and I can take another gulp of air above the waves. There are other credit card debts outstanding, 2 more at about the same amount, but nobody is chasing those very hard right now. I realise they will be coming for me...
Trying to decide whether to keep on treading water or just take the big gulp and go under. There is a remote chance, via a family benefactor, of cobbling together about £8k maximum to see if I could clear my debts, but I don't actually have it in hand. I wouldn't want to get it, give it to one lot of vultures and then have the others tear me apart.
Meanwhile, as I mull it over, I need to get these people off my back...
I guess I acknowledge the claim online first, and fire off more requests to Mortimer Clarke and NewDay?
Any advice welcomed, my calm acceptance of my situation has evaporated and a rising panic is threatening to engulf me. Deep breaths, deep breaths....
Issue Date: 18th June 2019
Have you Acknowledged the Claim?: NOT YET
Total Amount Claimed : £9800
Claimant’s Name: Cabot Financial (UK) Ltd
Solicitors Firm: Mortimer Clarke
Original Creditor: NewDay Ltd Re Marbles
Original Debt (eg. Credit card/Loan/Overdraft) : Credit Card
Particulars of Claim: By an agreement between NewDay Ltd Re Marbles & the Defendant on or around **/**/2003 ('the Agreement') NewDay Ltd Re Marbles agreed to issue the Defendant with a credit card.
The Defendant failed to make the minimum pyments due & the Agreement was terminated. The Agreement was assigned to the Claimant. THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS **** 2. Costs
Is the debt Statute Barred (have you had any contact with the creditor or claimant over the last 6 years?): Not Statute Barred, I had been doing minimum payments until about 4 years ago.
List any letters you have sent (eg: CCA/ CPR ): Sadly, I was ignoring all the letters and phone calls from Mortimer Clarke, including a Letter Before Action a couple of months ago. A couple of weeks ago, the incessant calls reached fever pitch, and I concluded action really was in the pipe. I found a letter template on the Debtline website and sent a request to Cabot for information under sections 77-79 CCA 1974 (but not to Mortimer Clark) along with a £1.00 P.O.
Some 5 days or so later, the Claim Form from Northampton County Court Business Centre, dated 18th June 2019, landed on my doormat.
Over this past weekend, a letter dated 17th June 2019 arrived from Cabot, stating they do not have the relevant info on file, so will be requesting a copy of the credit agreement and terms & conditions from my original lender as well as a statement of my account. This may take some time, but they will write within the next 12 days with an update...
Any Other Information or Background Details: I'm in no position to pay this debt, and being self-employed, my income varies wildly from month to month. Some months, I literally have nothing in my bank account, and have to rely on family charity entirely. Not the odd month either, I mean for 2 or 3 months till clients cough up and I can take another gulp of air above the waves. There are other credit card debts outstanding, 2 more at about the same amount, but nobody is chasing those very hard right now. I realise they will be coming for me...
Trying to decide whether to keep on treading water or just take the big gulp and go under. There is a remote chance, via a family benefactor, of cobbling together about £8k maximum to see if I could clear my debts, but I don't actually have it in hand. I wouldn't want to get it, give it to one lot of vultures and then have the others tear me apart.
Meanwhile, as I mull it over, I need to get these people off my back...
I guess I acknowledge the claim online first, and fire off more requests to Mortimer Clarke and NewDay?
Any advice welcomed, my calm acceptance of my situation has evaporated and a rising panic is threatening to engulf me. Deep breaths, deep breaths....