Hi all
I issued a claim just before the limitation period expired and so applied for a stay to enable pre-action protocol to be completed. Just before the stay was granted, the other party filed a defence, basically stating they could not make a full defence at that time as the claim form didn't provide enough detail. During the stay, I sent a detailed letter of claim and the other party acknowledged receipt (eventually, after I chased them). The stay is due to come to an end and the deadline for the other party responding to my letter of claim expired a while ago now. I am just wondering what my options are now? Do I just wait to hear from the Court (i.e. hearing date) or should I chase the Court when the stay ends?...I presume the other party would receive costs sanction for failing to engage in pre-action? I realise I could chase the other party for a response, but I begrudge doing this again. How do I stand if other party responds late but before hearing?
I issued a claim just before the limitation period expired and so applied for a stay to enable pre-action protocol to be completed. Just before the stay was granted, the other party filed a defence, basically stating they could not make a full defence at that time as the claim form didn't provide enough detail. During the stay, I sent a detailed letter of claim and the other party acknowledged receipt (eventually, after I chased them). The stay is due to come to an end and the deadline for the other party responding to my letter of claim expired a while ago now. I am just wondering what my options are now? Do I just wait to hear from the Court (i.e. hearing date) or should I chase the Court when the stay ends?...I presume the other party would receive costs sanction for failing to engage in pre-action? I realise I could chase the other party for a response, but I begrudge doing this again. How do I stand if other party responds late but before hearing?