Re: New member - Need help with Brian Carter/Lowell Court Claim please!
Thank you for your reply. I have sent Brian Carter template reply about CPR31 as example from forum library, and the responding letter from the court states: "this case is suitable for allocation to the small claims track" and I completed the Small Claims Directions Questionnaire form which has led to the mediation which is supposed to be 8th february however I have missed a phonecall to confirm this as in work today, I will have to contact mediation tomorrow... I am confused as to what I should do next, and extremely worried as do not want a CCJ. Also one other question the default on my credit file is for a different amount than stated by Brian Carter.... Grateful for any advice.
Thank you for your reply. I have sent Brian Carter template reply about CPR31 as example from forum library, and the responding letter from the court states: "this case is suitable for allocation to the small claims track" and I completed the Small Claims Directions Questionnaire form which has led to the mediation which is supposed to be 8th february however I have missed a phonecall to confirm this as in work today, I will have to contact mediation tomorrow... I am confused as to what I should do next, and extremely worried as do not want a CCJ. Also one other question the default on my credit file is for a different amount than stated by Brian Carter.... Grateful for any advice.