Re: Please help - very worried. Ref: IND/Hegarty LLP/Aktiv Kapital/MBNA
I find it very strange that MBNA would have issued a DN 3 years after defaulting! :noidea: Recording a default on your credit file years late is not that unusual, even then, this usually happens either when you were on a DMP or some sort of payment arrangement or when the debt gets sold on and the debt purchaser records a fresh default. But issuing a DN 3 years later is very unusual. MBNA issued a DN a couple of months or so after I stopped paying.
As far as the limitation period is concerned, it would be 6 years from the cause of action.:clock: With a credit card, you are supposed to pay at least the minimum payment amount at a certain date every month. MBNA would have no CoA right after the last payment since they would have no way of knowing no further payments would be made, but they would a few days (or weeks at the most), later. It would be different if this was an overdraft where the bank can wait months or even years before recalling it. :confused2: :confused2:
I find it very strange that MBNA would have issued a DN 3 years after defaulting! :noidea: Recording a default on your credit file years late is not that unusual, even then, this usually happens either when you were on a DMP or some sort of payment arrangement or when the debt gets sold on and the debt purchaser records a fresh default. But issuing a DN 3 years later is very unusual. MBNA issued a DN a couple of months or so after I stopped paying.
As far as the limitation period is concerned, it would be 6 years from the cause of action.:clock: With a credit card, you are supposed to pay at least the minimum payment amount at a certain date every month. MBNA would have no CoA right after the last payment since they would have no way of knowing no further payments would be made, but they would a few days (or weeks at the most), later. It would be different if this was an overdraft where the bank can wait months or even years before recalling it. :confused2: :confused2: