Hi all, any help on the below would be much appreciated. I’ve just recieved the below from Northampton County Court:

claimant: Lantern Debt Recovery
correspondane address: Moriarty Law

particulars of claim:

“The defendant owes the claimant £792.15 under a regulated loan agreement with Active Securities Limited also known as Active Securities Ltd T/AS 24/7 Money Box dated 14/11/2017 and which was assigned to the claimant on 31/12/2021 and notice of which was given to the defendant on the 31/12/2021 (debt). Despite formal demand for payment of the debt the defendant has failed to pay and the claimant claims £792.15 and further claims interest thereon pursuant to section 69 of the county court act 1984 limited to one year to the date hereof at the rate of 0.00% per annum amounting to £0.00”

amount claimed: £792.15
court fee: £70
legal representative fee: £70
total amount £932.15

Now I have recieved (and perhaps foolishly) ignored letters from Moriarty Law for this money but have recieved nothing from the original lender to say that this debt has now been passed on to Lantern/Moriarty. Also there are zero details in the claim about the original amount borrowed etc. Would this give me grounds for defence?

I’ve acknowledged the claim letter straight away with the court and disputed the full amount of the claim so I have approximately 29 days now to submit defence but I’m not at a loss as to the best steps to take, any advice here would be much appreciated.