Issue Date: 26th April 2019
Amount approx: £1100
Claimant: Lowell
Solicitor: Lowell Solicitors
Original Creditor: Provident
The claimant entered into a consumer credit act 1974 regulated agreement with Provident in 2009 which was subsequently assigned to Vanquis Bank under account no ******* (the agreement).
The defendant failed to maintain the required payments and the agreement was terminated
The agreement was subject to further assignment to the claimant in 2016 and notice was given.
The sum of £950 remains due and outstanding.
The claimant claims the £929, interest pursuant to s69 country courts act 1954 to the date of issue. Costs
Something I'd completely forgotten about if truth be told swept under the carpet til now.
I acknowledged the claim on line on 2nd May 2019 with the intention to defend.
I then sent CCA and CPR requests on the same day.
The solicitors have responded with their copy of a notice of assignment. Their response is below in bold. I have absolutly nothing from Vanquis in my records in relation to this and can't even remember making a payment on it in 2014 so I'd have to check my bank statements on that.
Dear Andy 77
The matter relates to a Provident account opened in 2009, the last payment was made in Nov 2014 and the account defaulted in April 2015.
A copy of the notice of assignement has been enclosed. We have asked our client to provide a copy of the agreement and we will contact you once we have received a response.
A claim was issued to you on 26th April 2019 that you should respond to. If you are admitting the claim or would like to pay by installments then our team are available to complete an admission form with you. If you are rwsponding in any other way then you should do so as directed by the form.
Failure to respond to the claim within the timescales et by the court may result in a judgement being entered against you.
If you wish to speak to us please call.....
Yours sincerely.
I'll file my defense on friday 24th May. as of yet I have had no response from Lowell with a credit agreement, although in the meantime I am unsure what defense to state.
Amount approx: £1100
Claimant: Lowell
Solicitor: Lowell Solicitors
Original Creditor: Provident
The claimant entered into a consumer credit act 1974 regulated agreement with Provident in 2009 which was subsequently assigned to Vanquis Bank under account no ******* (the agreement).
The defendant failed to maintain the required payments and the agreement was terminated
The agreement was subject to further assignment to the claimant in 2016 and notice was given.
The sum of £950 remains due and outstanding.
The claimant claims the £929, interest pursuant to s69 country courts act 1954 to the date of issue. Costs
Something I'd completely forgotten about if truth be told swept under the carpet til now.
I acknowledged the claim on line on 2nd May 2019 with the intention to defend.
I then sent CCA and CPR requests on the same day.
The solicitors have responded with their copy of a notice of assignment. Their response is below in bold. I have absolutly nothing from Vanquis in my records in relation to this and can't even remember making a payment on it in 2014 so I'd have to check my bank statements on that.
Dear Andy 77
The matter relates to a Provident account opened in 2009, the last payment was made in Nov 2014 and the account defaulted in April 2015.
A copy of the notice of assignement has been enclosed. We have asked our client to provide a copy of the agreement and we will contact you once we have received a response.
A claim was issued to you on 26th April 2019 that you should respond to. If you are admitting the claim or would like to pay by installments then our team are available to complete an admission form with you. If you are rwsponding in any other way then you should do so as directed by the form.
Failure to respond to the claim within the timescales et by the court may result in a judgement being entered against you.
If you wish to speak to us please call.....
Yours sincerely.
I'll file my defense on friday 24th May. as of yet I have had no response from Lowell with a credit agreement, although in the meantime I am unsure what defense to state.