I have received a Directions Questionnaire N181 from the court regarding my claim against a barrister for professional negligence.
Regarding part A Settlement. I have requested to settle the claim before the hearing but the defendant refused any type of ADR. Do I tick the yes box that I would like to settle the claim although I have attempted this and it has been refused.
Regarding part C pre action protocols. I to the best of my knowledge have complied with the protocols, but the defendant has not. Do I tick the yes box and rely on defendant to be truthful in that they have not supplied evidence?
Regarding D3. I do not understand this section at all. Most of my case is on paperwork although it has been done in a word processing application. Is this then electronic documentation? I have no idea which boxes to tick. Defendant has advised awaiting a case management hearing regarding disclosing documents.
Regarding D4. What does this mean?
Regarding E Experts. I have expert evidence that was used at the hearing. I wish to use this again. Do I tick the yes box or does it mean new expert evidence acquired since the hearing.
Regarding J Directions. As I am a LIP will the defendants solicitor do this for me to agree or disagree?
Think I posted in the wrong section previously so posting again!