Originally posted by anila
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Help required for a fully pleaded defence for a CCJ over credit card fraud
Sorry - the question was do you have a copy agreement with a signature on ?#staysafestayhome
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Originally posted by Amethyst View PostSorry - the question was do you have a copy agreement with a signature on ?
the Court Order says,
1. Judgement dated XX/XX/XX is set aside forthwith.
2. Defendant to file and serve a fully pleaded defence with 21 days.
3. Thereafter claim to be stayed for a period of 6 months
4. Upon expiry, parties to advise court whether settlement has been achieved.
Is that what you were saying or expected it to be?
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Originally posted by anila View Post
Yes in June they managed to send me a copy of an agreement with what looks something like my signature and copy statements.
the Court Order says,
1. Judgement dated XX/XX/XX is set aside forthwith.
2. Defendant to file and serve a fully pleaded defence with 21 days.
3. Thereafter claim to be stayed for a period of 6 months
4. Upon expiry, parties to advise court whether settlement has been achieved.
Is that what you were saying or expected it to be?
Okay - did you see my ramble starting point for a defence I posted earlier in the thread ?
Will need to add in that you have been given a copy of the agreement with a signature that looks like yours but isn't and that you believe a handwriting expert would confirm it was not yours. You can obtain an expert report yourself now but you're a little short on time. pt2537 will know more how best to go about that as evidence.
I think you should send a Subject Access Request to the original Credit Card company asap. ( Think I mentioned that previously )
Have you been through the transactions - I know you said it was mainly local shops and whatnot - are there transactions made when you were 'out of town' for a few days, or on holiday maybe, or that simply couldn't have been made by you ?( difficult to say they were done during day while you were at work as they don't tend to have times on the transactions and sometimes they might take a day or so to appear on the statement ). I think it would be a good idea to mention a couple examples ( you can go into detail later in your Witness Statements ).
Also do the transaction lists show payments being made to the account - and where did they come from ? ( SAR should give that info too ). ( One assumes the lodger must have been paying the minimum payments on the card at least, and managed to get credit limit increases over the years )
Nothing showed on your credit file at all either? or it might have done but you haven't checked it or been declined for a loan/mortgage etc because of late payments/defaults/high borrowing balance so had no need to check it ?
You are going to have to make a report to Action Fraud of Identity Theft/Fraud who will likely pass on to the Police for statements etc. Then you can add the crime ref number in your defence.#staysafestayhome
Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.
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Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
That looks good. It's a long stay for settlement negotiations ( and time for both sides to do some investigations by the sound of it )
Okay - did you see my ramble starting point for a defence I posted earlier in the thread ?
Will need to add in that you have been given a copy of the agreement with a signature that looks like yours but isn't and that you believe a handwriting expert would confirm it was not yours. You can obtain an expert report yourself now but you're a little short on time. pt2537 will know more how best to go about that as evidence.
I think you should send a Subject Access Request to the original Credit Card company asap. ( Think I mentioned that previously )
Have you been through the transactions - I know you said it was mainly local shops and whatnot - are there transactions made when you were 'out of town' for a few days, or on holiday maybe, or that simply couldn't have been made by you ?( difficult to say they were done during day while you were at work as they don't tend to have times on the transactions and sometimes they might take a day or so to appear on the statement ). I think it would be a good idea to mention a couple examples ( you can go into detail later in your Witness Statements ).
Also do the transaction lists show payments being made to the account - and where did they come from ? ( SAR should give that info too ). ( One assumes the lodger must have been paying the minimum payments on the card at least, and managed to get credit limit increases over the years )
Nothing showed on your credit file at all either? or it might have done but you haven't checked it or been declined for a loan/mortgage etc because of late payments/defaults/high borrowing balance so had no need to check it ?
You are going to have to make a report to Action Fraud of Identity Theft/Fraud who will likely pass on to the Police for statements etc. Then you can add the crime ref number in your defence.
There are loads of transactions on the statements as they have enclosed copies for a few years but I can't make head or tail of them as I have no way of proving where I was at any specific time. There are credits to the account but it just says Payment Received , Thank You.
But I am still going through the payments to see if there is anything I can make any use of.
Could you also kindly elaborate on the point 14 you made in the Defence earlier, about sections 83 and 84 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
Thanks ever so much...
Originally posted by anila View Post
Hi, Sorry for the delayed response. When you say it 'looks good' could you kindly explain what this means as I was confused about what would happen in say 6 months if both could not agree on something. Does the CCJ still stand or revert back or what?
There are loads of transactions on the statements as they have enclosed copies for a few years but I can't make head or tail of them as I have no way of proving where I was at any specific time. There are credits to the account but it just says Payment Received , Thank You.
But I am still going through the payments to see if there is anything I can make any use of.
Could you also kindly elaborate on the point 14 you made in the Defence earlier, about sections 83 and 84 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
Thanks ever so much...
I work for Roach Pittis Solicitors. I give my free time available to helping other on the forum and would be happy to try and assist informally where needed. Any posts I make on LegalBeagles are for information and discussion purposes only and shouldn't be seen as legal advice. Any advice I provide is without liability.
If you need to contact me please email me on Pt@roachpittis.co.uk .
I have been involved in leading consumer credit and data protection cases including Harrison v Link Financial Limited (High Court), Grace v Blackhorse (Court of Appeal) and also Kotecha v Phoenix Recoveries (Court of Appeal) along with a number of other reported cases and often blog about all things consumer law orientated.
You can also follow my blog on consumer credit here.
When you do the SAR specifically ask for details of where any payments were made from.#staysafestayhome
Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.
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Originally posted by anila View Post
Hi, Sorry for the delayed response. When you say it 'looks good' could you kindly explain what this means as I was confused about what would happen in say 6 months if both could not agree on something. Does the CCJ still stand or revert back or what?
When I said it looks good I meant that the CCJ is actually set aside and thus removed from the register and your credit file, usually within a month of the set-aside judgement, as opposed to simply being held for six months.
There are loads of transactions on the statements as they have enclosed copies for a few years but I can't make head or tail of them as I have no way of proving where I was at any specific time. There are credits to the account but it just says Payment Received , Thank You.
But I am still going through the payments to see if there is anything I can make any use of.
That will mainly be relevant when you come to write your witness statement however you can put the direct denial and say you don't recognise any of the transactions, and they couldn't of been made by you because you were at work et cetera in the defence.#staysafestayhome
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Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
If you don't agree a settlement within the six months then the case will carry on through the court system on your defence and if you then went on to lose in court the CCJ would be reapplied. However if you won in court, or sorted out a settlement before i.e. within the six months through mediation, Then the CCJ wouldn't be applied.
When I said it looks good I meant that the CCJ is actually set aside and thus removed from the register and your credit file, usually within a month of the set-aside judgement, as opposed to simply being held for six months.
You were at work every day during the week anyway between 7 AM and 7 PM I think you said, so I'm guessing you had to commute to work and it's quite a way away, therefore you couldn't of bought £20 worth of stuff from the local co-op for example During the day because you were 50 miles away at the time. Simply that kind of thing.
That will mainly be relevant when you come to write your witness statement however you can put the direct denial and say you don't recognise any of the transactions, and they couldn't of been made by you because you were at work et cetera in the defence.
If I may ask some further Q's. Is there the chance that I may just get lumbered with this debt and not be able to prove otherwise. I am just concerned that the case might just go against me if i can't get MC solicitors to back off.
Also I was reading about pre 2007 credit cards and that they are not enforceable because of the terms and conditions and the APR not being near the signature. Is that true???
Can anyone shed any light on this please.....
Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
That looks good. It's a long stay for settlement negotiations ( and time for both sides to do some investigations by the sound of it )
Okay - did you see my ramble starting point for a defence I posted earlier in the thread ?
Will need to add in that you have been given a copy of the agreement with a signature that looks like yours but isn't and that you believe a handwriting expert would confirm it was not yours. You can obtain an expert report yourself now but you're a little short on time. pt2537 will know more how best to go about that as evidence.
I think you should send a Subject Access Request to the original Credit Card company asap. ( Think I mentioned that previously )
Have you been through the transactions - I know you said it was mainly local shops and whatnot - are there transactions made when you were 'out of town' for a few days, or on holiday maybe, or that simply couldn't have been made by you ?( difficult to say they were done during day while you were at work as they don't tend to have times on the transactions and sometimes they might take a day or so to appear on the statement ). I think it would be a good idea to mention a couple examples ( you can go into detail later in your Witness Statements ).
Also do the transaction lists show payments being made to the account - and where did they come from ? ( SAR should give that info too ). ( One assumes the lodger must have been paying the minimum payments on the card at least, and managed to get credit limit increases over the years )
Nothing showed on your credit file at all either? or it might have done but you haven't checked it or been declined for a loan/mortgage etc because of late payments/defaults/high borrowing balance so had no need to check it ?
You are going to have to make a report to Action Fraud of Identity Theft/Fraud who will likely pass on to the Police for statements etc. Then you can add the crime ref number in your defence.
Thanks for all your help and advice so far. I have a few days left before I submit my defence just a few Q's if you could kindly respond please.
I will need to get an handwriting expert but what if that report goes against me. I say this because the Judge said having looked at the claim for nearly 12k that I should try to negotiate something over the next 6 months and maybe have to pay a few grand otherwise risk going to trial and that would set the loser back by 30-40K. Does that look realistic to you after all there is a chance that MC solicitors may not want to take that risk either.
Also I have been reading about pre 2007 credit agreements and the possibility that they may not be enforceable under certain circumstances. Could you shed some light on this also please.... Just need to know if that is possible and can I submit that as a point in my defence.
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