As those who follow me know i am a carer for my wife and work part time. Things have got tough after we had bedbugs. This cost me of 1500 in losses after paying te exterminator and replacing beddding etc. Now we have received a notice of repossession with a hearing date of june 4th and im not sure what to do next. Arrears are about £2500 woth a morageof £117000 and propertyvalue of around £450000. We've had difficulty paying for some time but i want to stay in the house for a year or two longer so we can finish decorating and get the best price.
What I wanted to ask is ow to fill in the forms the mortgage is in joint names .Do i need to fill in a response for each of us or simply do one outlining the income and expendtiure for us both . e are still togeter although the strain is starting to show. The mortgage company have said that they are not willing to entera suspended possession but want to repossess immediatly. If raised a tousand against the arrears and hope to raise some more . i just dont know how to procede . can anyone advise.
What I wanted to ask is ow to fill in the forms the mortgage is in joint names .Do i need to fill in a response for each of us or simply do one outlining the income and expendtiure for us both . e are still togeter although the strain is starting to show. The mortgage company have said that they are not willing to entera suspended possession but want to repossess immediatly. If raised a tousand against the arrears and hope to raise some more . i just dont know how to procede . can anyone advise.