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Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

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  • #16
    Re: Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

    I was bored to tears on jury service - a more boring case would hardly have been possible. I would have deliberately failed an IQ test, whether or not I could have passed it, had I known how much time was spent sitting doing absolutely nothing.


    • #17
      Re: Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

      Originally posted by FORCEOFONE View Post
      Are people in favour of out current system of jury selection, take a complex fraud case. I myself will openly admit maths is not my strong point
      What's the alternative?

      Don't belittle the role of counsel whose job it is to make the jury understand the case. Sometimes the *motive* for the crime is more important than the maths in fraud trials. I've sat in on dozens (as a journalist not a juror) and it soon became obvious that the Judge was guiding (directing) the jurors. If jurors don't understand something then they can feel free to pass the judge a note.

      My most recent jury service was an alleged paeodophile who had groomed a 13 year old girl for sex on the internet and even though they never actually met (let alone have sex) he was still charged. I was passing endless notes to the judge seeking clarification on whether the man in the dock had got a spam filter or anti-virus thingy on his laptop since he was denying ever visiting porn website sites which was the basis of the CPS' case.

      In the end we found him not-guilty because there was reasonable doubt.


      • #18
        Re: Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

        My Dad was an 'armchair' Judge,Barrister and Jury....Gawd,,the folks that he sent to prison for Life whilst reading the newspaper lol


        • #19
          Re: Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

          Thank you for your response PLANB and Labman for taking my question seriously

          My original question was a bit of a red herring to see what response would be generated as the thread evolved by comments.

          I now have my answer

          Thread is now closed


          • #20
            Re: Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

            Originally posted by FORCEOFONE View Post
            Electronic Tutor Marked Assessments
            I guess that means some kind of distance learning program :typing: If you really want to get a deeper understanding of the subject you should spend some time in a Crown Court to observe trials from the visitors gallery. That way you will get a real feel for what happens. You don't need an appointment you just pitch up

            I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the way most jurors take their responsibility seriously. Look at their facial expressions. In big trials (more often in the US) the defence team will hire a psychologist to analyse which way the jury are leaning so they can adjust their approach accordingly. That's the avenue I would love to research more if only I had time and youth on my side.


            • #21
              Re: Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

              Thread is now re-opened ! Sorry, but you seem to suggest you were 'playing games' with members here by throwing out a red herring. Would you mind explaining - the least you can do having taken our time.


              • #22
                Re: Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

                I took your question seriously and I asked you a question, perhaps you would like to take me seriously and answer my question please.
                What are you studying 'A' Level or GCSE or is it an online 'degree' from foreign fields?


                • #23
                  Re: Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

                  'Ere,,we got new Admin noone told me about??
                  And Forceofone...I predicted that as soon as you got questions you aren't capable of or comfortable with answering you bail out,,every time.
                  And you wonder why you aren't taken seriously.

                  (oh,,and I meant FOO acting like Admin)
                  Last edited by Inca; 19th May 2013, 19:16:PM.


                  • #24
                    Re: Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

                    CS beats IQ any day and CS for all those with a low IQ is COMMON SENSE


                    • #25
                      Re: Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

                      Originally posted by enaid View Post
                      CS beats IQ any day and CS for all those with a low IQ is COMMON SENSE
                      Absolutely. And EI (emotional intellgence) is as important as IQ too. If I was selected as a juror on a case involving child abuse then I would have to excuse myself because as a Mother I would find the accused guilty before they even gave their evidence if I was shown pictures of a baby with bruises on his/her body by the prosecution. There is no way I would consider "mitigating circumstances".


                      • #26
                        Re: Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

                        Originally posted by FORCEOFONE View Post
                        do [...] jurors need a certain level of intelligence before sitting on a jury?
                        Yes. Prospective jurors should be subject to an IQ test.


                        • #27
                          Re: Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

                          Originally posted by PlanB View Post
                          If I was selected as a juror on a case involving child abuse then I would have to excuse myself because as a Mother I would find the accused guilty before they even gave their evidence if I was shown pictures of a baby with bruises on his/her body by the prosecution. There is no way I would consider "mitigating circumstances".
                          And therefore none of the medical conditions that could give rise to such marks?


                          • #28
                            Re: Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

                            its a good question, even if it seems the op was taking the p1ss.

                            personally, I think that jurors should have no criminal convictions, be able to read and write, and understand the English language to a decent level and have as sapphy said good moral fibre.

                            You will notice how i dliberatly said TO A DECENT LEVEL and did not mention speech. there is a reason.
                            I know 2 incredibly intelligent people, one is a teacher in a special school and the other is a paralegal secratary.

                            James (the teacher) had mouth cancer and has had to have part of his tongue removed, therefore cannot speak clearly, this doesnt affect his brain so why should he be stopped from serving his nation?
                            Lizzie (the paralegal) is dyslexic, she is fine with long words and things I go ok.. that took the last 747 over my head, but you ask her to write Who how house home and she has to work out which way the words are spelt.


                            • #29
                              Re: Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

                              Originally posted by enquirer View Post
                              And therefore none of the medical conditions that could give rise to such marks?
                              I meant that I would find it hard to be objective which is essential for a juror who must not be biased or prejudiced in any way.


                              • #30
                                Re: Do prospective Jurors need an IQ test

                                When I was doing jury service, my name was picked to hear a case and I was led out the room.
                                A woman arrived and seperated all the women and men, the men were taken to one side and the women the other, and the woman asked us all individually, had we ever been subjected to domestic violence.

                                I admitted i had, and was led back to the smokers room to play cards.

                                I never found out why she asked, but I assume that it was a big domestic violence case and they wanted to give the accused a fair trial.

                                I dont agree with the 25+ thing though Sapphy, I was 18 when I did mine.


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