Hi, my laptop was accidentally damaged and I put it through the insurance as I have it covered on my contents. They asked me to get an insurance letter from the approved centre which I did. The repair centre gave me a total cost for repair and they concluded beyond economical repair. The insurance people have come back saying that as the repair costs are £675 and a new equivalent will be £759 this is not BER. Now my laptop is from 2013 and the same model would be around £500. The model that they are coming up is the 2017 one. I don't know is 2013 is still available for sale. It is a MacBook air 13" laptop by the way. Now I have never before put a claim but are they right to compare the laptop to a newer model? my second question is what defines beyond economical repair and in some websites, I read that the cost of repair has to exceed 80% of the value of a replacement and even with their example this does. The insurance company is legal and general and have gone through their booklet and cannot find any information about what they regard as beyond economical repair. I have an excess payment of £100. I have not yet accepted. Can I argue this? also if they write it off and get a replacement can I ask to buy it off? I have been told I can do this as my son is doing computing studies and could use this one for his electronics lessons learning about the inside of the machine and have the challenge to try and repair it as his school project.
Many thanks!!
Many thanks!!