Hows this for a rip off.
Just about to renew OH Car Insurance used via Confused as per every other year.
OH cheapest Quote up by £300, though most were approx £600-£700 more!!
Whats that I hear you say.........Just bought a lotus? Had 12 points added to your license? Moved to Iraq?
Same Car.
Same Addy.
Same Job.
Same Matrital Status.
Oh yes.......Also got an extra year NCB.
So what could it be that makes the Insurence an average of £500 more this year.
The car has a private Plate.
When we bought the car Last year, it had a normal plate. As per instruction via DVLA, you register the car with your insurers first, then you change plate over, then you contact your insurers with the new Number.
You can even do this all in the same day (if you live near an DVLA Office).
The Premium doesnt change when you do it this way.
However, come year 2, when you are applying for quotes using the Private Plate, its shoots up!!!
Tell me if he wasnt a risk for the last 12 months on that number plate then why has he suddenly become a risk now? Obvisously he is less of a risk this year thats why we have an extra year NCB.
If this isnt the biggest rip off yet I dont know what is!!
To add insult to injury if you submit the same quote details again - but instead of putting in the Car Reg Number and letting the database bring up the Car details for you. You manually select your car type (thus no requirement at the quotation stage for a number plate, private or otherwise) the quote returns £300 cheaper!!!
Effectively you have not submitted any incorrect information and when you click to accept the quotation you just complete the Reg Details at this stage and save yourself £300.
Just about to renew OH Car Insurance used via Confused as per every other year.
OH cheapest Quote up by £300, though most were approx £600-£700 more!!
Whats that I hear you say.........Just bought a lotus? Had 12 points added to your license? Moved to Iraq?
Same Car.
Same Addy.
Same Job.
Same Matrital Status.
Oh yes.......Also got an extra year NCB.
So what could it be that makes the Insurence an average of £500 more this year.
The car has a private Plate.
When we bought the car Last year, it had a normal plate. As per instruction via DVLA, you register the car with your insurers first, then you change plate over, then you contact your insurers with the new Number.
You can even do this all in the same day (if you live near an DVLA Office).
The Premium doesnt change when you do it this way.
However, come year 2, when you are applying for quotes using the Private Plate, its shoots up!!!
Tell me if he wasnt a risk for the last 12 months on that number plate then why has he suddenly become a risk now? Obvisously he is less of a risk this year thats why we have an extra year NCB.
If this isnt the biggest rip off yet I dont know what is!!
To add insult to injury if you submit the same quote details again - but instead of putting in the Car Reg Number and letting the database bring up the Car details for you. You manually select your car type (thus no requirement at the quotation stage for a number plate, private or otherwise) the quote returns £300 cheaper!!!
Effectively you have not submitted any incorrect information and when you click to accept the quotation you just complete the Reg Details at this stage and save yourself £300.