My grandson who is disabled with cerebral palsy is having problems with the dole office. He is 27 years old and has never worked, he has never been out on his own or used a phone. Recently he has been attending the dole office on a monthly basis but they had no luck with is problems. Last month he was sent to Atos for an assessment and that assessment was that he should be on the support group and no longer needed to attend the dole office. A week later he got an appointment to attend the dole office and look for work. When his mother rang them up she was told by the adviser could not understand what the support group meant but he still needs to look for work and if he does not attend he will be sanctioned. My grandson got a letter confirming he he was on the support group has already had a payment on the new benefit. He has a reminder that he has a an appointment on the 19th November and advised him that he is on both benefits ESA work activity and support group and needs to attend or lose his money. Can anyone advise me.