I used to claim CSA from my absent father(he paid CSA only from when I was 16 onwards) until May of last year, when I turned 20 and my entitlement to CSA finished.
We were contacted by CSA today, and told that my father had claimed to have overpayed by £1400; he claimed that be continued paying monthly after my entitlement ended. Now we were very much aware that we weren't due anymore payments, and we didn't recieve any, but he has bank statements to show the money leaving his account. Unfortunately we've changed bank accounts since then so don't have any statements to hand(although we're trying to get hold of them).
We said to CSA that we felt it very unfair, and that we would seek legal advice, as my father was notorious for trying to avoid payments(he's claimed lower income than he actually was getting in the past, so that he had to pay us less), but CSA told us they "are no longer dealing with [fathers name], you are dealing with us. We have already reimbursed fathers name]".
So now obviously the pressure is on us to pay up, despite the fact we never recieved the payments in the first place. We are in no position to pay either, as Mum is on disability allowance, and I'm only in part time work as I'm currently training for the Police.
Do we have a case here? Are we being treated unfairly? We do feel a little bit as if CSA are just trying to bully the money out of us due to them jumping the gun and paying my father before they had the full picture.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Hopefully you can help us.
I used to claim CSA from my absent father(he paid CSA only from when I was 16 onwards) until May of last year, when I turned 20 and my entitlement to CSA finished.
We were contacted by CSA today, and told that my father had claimed to have overpayed by £1400; he claimed that be continued paying monthly after my entitlement ended. Now we were very much aware that we weren't due anymore payments, and we didn't recieve any, but he has bank statements to show the money leaving his account. Unfortunately we've changed bank accounts since then so don't have any statements to hand(although we're trying to get hold of them).
We said to CSA that we felt it very unfair, and that we would seek legal advice, as my father was notorious for trying to avoid payments(he's claimed lower income than he actually was getting in the past, so that he had to pay us less), but CSA told us they "are no longer dealing with [fathers name], you are dealing with us. We have already reimbursed fathers name]".
So now obviously the pressure is on us to pay up, despite the fact we never recieved the payments in the first place. We are in no position to pay either, as Mum is on disability allowance, and I'm only in part time work as I'm currently training for the Police.
Do we have a case here? Are we being treated unfairly? We do feel a little bit as if CSA are just trying to bully the money out of us due to them jumping the gun and paying my father before they had the full picture.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Hopefully you can help us.