I am in receipt of Incapacity and Disablement benefits and a small occupational pension. I have a mortgage but am not entitled to any Income Support, Council Tax benefit or help with mortgage interest etc. as the government deems that I have "sufficient to live on". I manage the mortgage but have no option but to to use credit cards to pay for the council tax , fuel bills and often food. I am unfit to work for others but need to earn some money and so want to work for myself. I already have a business advisor through a recognised charity that helps the disadvantaged become self-employed. Does anyone know if I would be eligible for the Employment & Support Allowance (ESA) without having to attend all those hideous DWP-run groups? It's just that ESA is a "qualifying benefit" which opens the door to other help. I've spent hours this evening trawling the internet but cannot find the answer. Many thanks to anyone who can help.