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complaint about GP surgery

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  • complaint about GP surgery

    Hi guys,
    I need to pick your brain about a few things.

    I want to make a formal complaint about the fact that I cannot get a doctor's appointment (even a telephone appointment), that the receptionists are so rude.. I hate calling them!
    They read your personal details out loud, their telephones are in the main waiting room and you can hear them telling paitents stuff they shouldn't be discussing, and they read your blood test results too! They have even read an MRI I have.

    Let's give you an example.

    Call in about an existing medical condition flaring up.

    Me (friendly and reasonable): Hi, my name is Callie I live at 123 my road, the village down the road, abc1ab, can I make an appointment to see any doctor, at any clinic asap please. (there are 3 clinics in 3 different towns)
    Receptionist: What's it for?
    Me: To see my GP.
    Receptionist: Why do you need to see a GP?
    Me: Because I need to see the GP. I have a medical issue and I need to see the GP.
    Receptionist: Yes, and the medical issue is?
    Me: Between me and my doctor.
    Receptionist *looking me up on the system*: It says here you have *lists conditions*, is it to do with that Callie?
    Me: That's not your concern, I need to see a GP. Can you make the appointment or not? I am not comfortable with discussing my medical issues with you.
    Receptionist: Well, if I don't know what it's for, I can't make the appointment!
    Me *losing the rag now*: It's to see a GP, all you need to know is I need to see a GP and I'm easy about which clinic it's in. The rest is not your concern!
    Receptionist: Well, unless I know what condition it's for....
    Me: It's for a medical condition, you don't need to know, this is a breach of GDPR. (whatever it's called now)
    Receptionist: Well, if you'd like to call at 8am tomorrow and use the automated service...
    Me: I'm calling you now.
    Receptionist: So, what's it for?

    They have literally told me, remembering that they are sitting in an open office within earshot of other patients
    "Yes, your MRI results are back Callie, it shows that there is severe nerve damage, says here the wrist was dislocated at the time of the MRI, that you have a joint disorder and your ulna is deformed. I don't understand it, maybe I should book you an appointment!"

    So, what can I do?

    Is anyone in the mood to write me a schtinker of a letter?

    PLEASE NOTE: I work irregular hours including nights and sleep in shifts. If I have not responded in 48 hours, please ask an admin to Messenger me!

    "If you ever feel alone, remember, I am just the other side of the rainbow, or just south of the North Star. Whichever is closer." - A.J Murphy. 17/3/1974 - 16/03/1997 (RIP babe <3)
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Is the Practice Manager aware of what is going on. Also bring it to the attention of the Partners of the Practice. Then of course there is always the local Clinical Commissioning Group or the Care Quality Commission. Plenty of links in Google.


    • #3
      ooh im liking the idea of CQC.

      I have seen who I believe to be the Practice Manager doing the same thing, I have also seen a blue phone ring which apparently the "Repeat Prescription line", the receptionist said it was a wrong number "Mr Bloggs" and gave the appointment line number then answer the red phone beside in in a different voice saying "Hello Mr Bloggs!"

      I am looking in to changing doctors, but I am livid with them at the moment
      PLEASE NOTE: I work irregular hours including nights and sleep in shifts. If I have not responded in 48 hours, please ask an admin to Messenger me!

      "If you ever feel alone, remember, I am just the other side of the rainbow, or just south of the North Star. Whichever is closer." - A.J Murphy. 17/3/1974 - 16/03/1997 (RIP babe <3)


      • #4
        There are other parties you can complain to but going from pillar to post probably won't help - best to start at the top - am sure the CQC would take it seriously and arrive unannounced.


        • #5
          Thanks hun

          I WILL teach them not to insult their patients.
          PLEASE NOTE: I work irregular hours including nights and sleep in shifts. If I have not responded in 48 hours, please ask an admin to Messenger me!

          "If you ever feel alone, remember, I am just the other side of the rainbow, or just south of the North Star. Whichever is closer." - A.J Murphy. 17/3/1974 - 16/03/1997 (RIP babe <3)


          • #6
            Have you had a look to see when your surgery last had an inspection.


            • #7
              No, but I will be hand delivering my complaint on Monday, I'll look tyen
              PLEASE NOTE: I work irregular hours including nights and sleep in shifts. If I have not responded in 48 hours, please ask an admin to Messenger me!

              "If you ever feel alone, remember, I am just the other side of the rainbow, or just south of the North Star. Whichever is closer." - A.J Murphy. 17/3/1974 - 16/03/1997 (RIP babe <3)


              • #8
                Dear Sir or Madam,

                I wish to make a formal complaint regarding the level of service and care at your practice.

                I have been attempting now for 5 days to make a GP appointment for my husband, calling at midnight, 8am and during the working day to do so and have been unable to do so. When I call in all I am told, by people looking at appointments on a computer screen, is that there are no appointments until February and to call the next morning at 8am, or go to the surgery at 8am to make an appointment.

                May I suggest you call in at 8am and try and make an appointment, it is not possible as everyone is calling in at the same time.

                When I call I am asked by receptionists what the nature of the medical issue is, what business is it of a receptionist who has no medical training whatsoever as to what the nature of the medical issue is?

                That information is between myself and my GP, if I am every permitted to speak to them, and to ask for this information is a breach of GDPR. Personal information should be treated on a "Need to know" basis. All the receptionist needs to know is that I require a GP appointment for a medical reason.

                On previous occasions I have had blood test results and MRI results read over the phone, by a receptionist who has no idea what the result means, who are answering calls within earshot of other patients! This is a definate breach of GDPR and a disgusting practice from anyone. My test results are again between myself and the doctor. When I complained to the receptionist I was told this is "Acceptable and normal" for a doctor's practice.
                I called two days ago on behalf of my husband to make a doctor's appointment as I am concerned about his health. I disclosed he has a medical condition which can affect his eyes and was told, by a receptionist, to go to an opticians.

                Allow me to repeat that, instead of making me a GP appointment, or offering me a chance to speak to a qualified medical practioner, I was told to go to an optician.

                When I repeated he had a medical condition, she repeated her insistence that I go to an optician as "they know more about eyes than doctors!"
                In desperation I asked "Will they be able to help if he is having a flare up of his *******?"

                She then admitted she had no idea what that was, and to call at 8am the next morning (again) to make an appointment to see a GP, despite admitting on the phone there were available apppointments for the next day that "Open at 8am".

                I called at 00.02 in desperation, and secured an appointment for 16:40 that day. I then got an automated message saying there were no available appointments for that day. I called in to ask why today to be told "Someone beat you to it!"

                This someone happened to be Partner Services (or similar) who made the appointment almost an hour after I did! In other words, his appointment was cancelled and rebooked by a 3rd party of the doctor.

                I called third Practice to see if I could secure an appointment there, I was told by a lovely receptionist that going in to the practice was basically pointless because your receptionists can have appointments cancelled at point of booking too, and that the reason you have no appointments is because your patient base is too big!

                That hazards the question, why did you take on patients you couldn't treat?

                I was also told about "nurse triage" where a nurse, who would be better suited to treating sick people, would do a telephone assessment and book a doctor's appointment if needed, surely this is a waste of the poor nurse's time and talents! Booking apppointments is the job of a practice receptionist, not a qualified nurse!

                I was also told there is no facility for a "sit and wait" system, why not when you cannot offer appointments to paitents? Surely a sit and wait clinic at one of your 3 clinics would relive your workload, satisfy need and promote good health amongst your paitents.

                Or maybe a first come first served basis would be better? If your practice has taken on more paitents than it can handle, this would be a fairer system, even if it was once a week, and would give those of us not able to get to the doctor at 8am to beg to see a doctor a chance to get the medical treatment we pay for in our NI contributions.

                There are always reports about local A&E departments being over-run and unable to meet demand, it is simply because we cannot get to see a doctor so head there instead!

                I have the following questions:
                What is going to happen about the disgraceful lack of appointments to see a doctor?

                Why were so many paitents accepted if you knew you would not be able to provide a service to them?

                Why is GDPR being so blatently breached by receptionists?

                What would happen if my husband had a loss in his eyesight because of this? Who's responsibilty would it be? I would hold The Practice totally liable for it due to your total lack of any kind of back up plan!

                Why is there no sit and wait clinic if you know you cannot provide adequate appointments?

                What is being done to provide more appointments?

                Enough is enough! I am tired of being pushed from pillar to post to recieve any form of medical treatement, something has to be done, and fast!
                Due to my total lack of confidence in the Practice, I am insisting that all response to this complaint are done via either email or written form, my email address for correspondence for this issue ONLY is **********. Telephone communication with regards to this letter will NOT be accepted.

                Whilst I await your response to this complaint, I will be investigating my options on moving myself and my family to another GP practice. This move is purely due to my experiences with the practice and is not a reflection on the GPs who I am sure have no idea what is happenning.
                I also include a link to the NHS website with regards to ******** to give you an insight as to just how dangerous an unqualified person suggesting totally inappropriate courses of treatment is! I obviously do not expect you to know what this condition is, I had no idea what it was myself until I met my husband, but a GP would have some insight and be better trained to deal with it.

                PLEASE NOTE: I work irregular hours including nights and sleep in shifts. If I have not responded in 48 hours, please ask an admin to Messenger me!

                "If you ever feel alone, remember, I am just the other side of the rainbow, or just south of the North Star. Whichever is closer." - A.J Murphy. 17/3/1974 - 16/03/1997 (RIP babe <3)


                • #9
                  Light blue touch paper & retire to a safe distance.

                  As an aside my GP who not so long ago was listed as No1 Surgery in the Country offers early morning appointments one day a week from 7am and in cooperation with other local practices offer late night appointments until 8-30pm and also weekends from 10am to Midday - it can be done just needs organising.


                  • #10
                    A bit old, but your not the only one.

                    Receptionists 'put people off seeing doctor' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-37605573


                    • #11
                      I am afraid that I think it is right to tell the receptionist what the reason for the appointment is, at least in broad terms. It is their job to prioritise appointments, particularly at busy times of the year. Like now.

                      At the The practice I go to, there are urgent appointments, which are same day. And there are routine appointments, which are two weeks hence. There are only a few urgent ones, and I accept that the practice needs to be the judge of which type of appointment I can have.

                      what is more, it is futile to tell the receptionist that the instructions they have been given are wrong. If you disagree with their instructions, complaining to the practice or health authority makes sense. Arguing with the receptionist doesn't.


                      • #12
                        I can accept they need to ask if it's an emergency, but to tell someone who has disclosed there is a medical condition to see an optician? That is dangerous.
                        reading MRIs out when they have no idea what it means?
                        Again, dangerous!
                        If he had been offered a call from a doctor it would be different, these people have no medical training at all. The surgery is notorious for the attitude of staff, normally I ignore it, but this could have cost my husband his sight!
                        PLEASE NOTE: I work irregular hours including nights and sleep in shifts. If I have not responded in 48 hours, please ask an admin to Messenger me!

                        "If you ever feel alone, remember, I am just the other side of the rainbow, or just south of the North Star. Whichever is closer." - A.J Murphy. 17/3/1974 - 16/03/1997 (RIP babe <3)


                        • #13
                          It sounds like you need to move to a new practice, in which case having an almighty row with this one does not help you.

                          The practice I go to, the doctor calls you to do the triage. But that's only recently been introduced. The receptionist still asks roughly what the appointment is for.


                          • #14
                            I don't mind being asked vague details (i.e is it an emergency or a check up?) but not "So what's wrong with you?"

                            I've sent in the complaint, I'm glad you commented cos I forgot to send it

                            I did send one via Royal Mail as per their website, they haven't even acknowledged it, but I have found on the site an email address for an NHS complaints centre that deal with it on your behalf, so I sent it there.

                            As I say, I can appreciate the need to triage people, but by people who need to know and in a private environment. Not in an open office where all and sundry can hear you. I've lost count of the amount of time I've heard "Well, I don't know what that is..." from a receptionist. If you say "I am not comfortable telling you the details, could you just make me an appointment please?" they put the phone down on you.

                            ploddertom I've also contacted PALS and spoken to them about it, they have advised me to report the reading of MRI's to the ICO as it is (as I suspected) illegal as *surprise surprise* the receptionist has no need to know what they are and has no idea what she is telling people! same with blood tests.

                            Maybe if I complain, a sit and wait clinic can be introduced.. or even the triage be done in a more appropriate place and by a more appropriate person!
                            PLEASE NOTE: I work irregular hours including nights and sleep in shifts. If I have not responded in 48 hours, please ask an admin to Messenger me!

                            "If you ever feel alone, remember, I am just the other side of the rainbow, or just south of the North Star. Whichever is closer." - A.J Murphy. 17/3/1974 - 16/03/1997 (RIP babe <3)


                            • #15
                              My doctors is a triage only, no appointments and it is really successful. Just phone by 8.30am and a call back is returned the same morning with a time to go in. My receptionist will not discuss any results with me over the phone, instead they phone me and say a doctor will be phoning you at a certain time to discuss results.


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